Kama's on the Move (Pt.3)

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[Around 10 minutes before the crash]

Tiifu and Zuri were following behind the female hyena Jasiri; Zuri questioned what she had said about Kama.

She did notice that Kama was dangerous, but she was also the one who saved her when those crocodiles had surrounded her. But now she had disappeared, did she because the hyena arrived? Or was there something else to it?

But Zuri wasn't the only one questioning about Kama, Jasiri had also questioned what could be her motives for meeting with the pridelander. She had never made a move like this before, most cases she would find an outlander to release her anger out on. Was there something to these pridelanders that made them special to her?

"Do you remember anything specific Kama said to you?" Jasiri asked Zuri, she looked at the hyena a bit hesitant about this but whatever was spoken between the two was not something she figure would be dangerous for the hyena to know.

"She only would ask what the Pridelands were like." Zuri informed, this was puzzling for Jasiri to hear. Was she wanting to get into the Pridelands? No, that isn't like her at all. "Was there anything specific about the Pridelands you told her? Anything that could be use against the Outlands?" she further asked.

Both Tiifu and Zuri were confused by this, was there something in the Pridelands that could be used against the Outlands? "No, she only kept asking what it was like, what the animals were like, places to visit, but she seemed interested in possibly other servals."

Jasiri was stunned to hear this herself, 'Could she be after a mate?' but even that was hard to believe for the hyena. They were left unaware of the lurking figure looming over them.

Above them over a cliff, was the very serval that Jasiri was questioning over the motives of helping the lioness. She watched them while staying on their tail, 'Trying to figure me out Jasiri?' she thought to herself in amusement at their discussion.

She unsheathed her claws, admiring their sharpness. 'Don't worry, I'm benevolent enough to let you partake in my plan. I'll reclaim what was rightfully mine.' Her eyes burned with rage as she clutched her claws together as if she were capturing a prey in their imprisonment.

The group had come to the edge of a cliff, below them were familiar sight to the lionesses and hyena. Two lions were walking side-by-side of each other towards the direction of a path that Jasiri and Tiifu had taken, it had look like Tau was sniffing around.

Zuri in her excitement to seeing her best friend Kiara rose over Tiifu's shoulder, "Kiara!" she tried shouting, this was applying weight onto Tiifu's shoulder feeling uncomfortable, "Zuri, sto-" she was trying to say when the sound of a crack below them.

The two looked down to see the edge giving way, "Not again-" Tiifu complained before it had completely broken from the weight. Skidding down the ledge screaming before crashing on top of Tau.

Jasiri watched in amusement as that had just happened, 'Guess I should go down as well.' She thought as she followed down as well the same way.


Kiara was happy to see her friends again, "Where did you two came from?" she asked them, and for Tau and Jasiri; Tau had a look of shock at how close he was against Jasiri. Even though they had always been close, he was nervous and taken aback by this.

Jasiri rose her head up and met eyes with Tau, "That might have been a bit reckless." She joked at Tau's expense. Tau darted his attention away from Jasiri, his face flustered; "Can I get up now?" Tau tried asking her.

She would find it funny how embarrassed he was, "What's wrong? You were a lot braver this morning." She taunt, this was something that he had wished to not recall. He still felt bad for almost doing something to her, "I just-" Tau tried wanting to think of a reason, but nothing would help him.

His mind felt like jelly, any times he would glance at the hyena's eyes, he would feel a sense of yearning for the two to just stay where they were. It wasn't until the notice of the three audience was brought to their attention that they retracted from each other.

"Uhm." Kiara said in surprised, but by the look of the other two, they had all wanted to know what was going on. They were curious if there was a relationship between the lion and hyena, "Who is she?" Kiara asked Tau.

"Her name's Jasiri, she's one of my best friends." He said to Kiara, "Looks like you have your friends, now we can take you all home." He quickly said to try and change the subject. But a news was brought to Tau that was not what he was wanting to hear.

"We might have some problems; Kama is up to something." Tau was taken aback by this, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I don't know what she's planning, but she met up with Zuri here at the swamp." Jasiri said pointing at the lioness with the Tawny-Orange fur. Tau glanced at the lioness that was being gestured too, "If she is up to something, we had best hurry." Tau suggested.

"Let's go!" Tau spoke out but a sinister voice spoke grabbing their attention, "Why the rush? They should stay and get to know their neighbor." Looking to their side was an albino serval with a sinister smirk, "KAMA!" both Jasiri and Tau spoke out in nervous.

"Aw, you remember me Jasiri." She said looking at the hyena who stood her guard, "How could I forget what you tried to do to the pups." She said with a growl. Kama let out a laughter, "I was only playing, well... Maybe for the first few seconds." She said taunting the hyena.

"What are you doing here Kama!" Tau said standing between Jasiri and Kama, he lowered his body to the ground ready to fight, "Tau, I came for that answer I've been waiting for. And I plan to get the answer I want, even by force." Her words were soon followed with a scream from Zuri.

Everyone looked over at Zuri who shook off a centipede that was light brown body with darker brown stripes moving up, having roughly thirty legs as it fell on the back of its body.

A look of shock as Zuri falls to the ground paralyzed, "You should have figured I would pull something like this." Kama said with a smirk.

"Zuri!" Both Kiara and Tiifu spoke out worried for their friend, "She'll survive that centipede's sting, but it leaves you in a dilemma Tau." Tau returned his glare at Kama, "Leave them out of this!"

Kama gave a sinister smirk to Tau's distant, "I will be sure to get what I want. Even if I have to kill a few Pridelanders to get it."

Author Note:
Part 3 of 5 for the event, now Kama has started to make her big move.

I will inform that Tomorrow is the day of the reveal to those Questions and Answers I promised, you had best have asked all your questions you are wanting to ask. I will be answering them along with finishing up this event for our readers.

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