All that Came, and All to Come

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In the Outlands as the sun had come to fully set and the moon had reached the peak, standing out on the cliff staring out to the Pridelands is our lion friend, a calming smile at the visit from the lioness Nala. He didn't know why or what entirely, but he felt at ease when it came to her, and he thought this relaxing feeling would last when he came to hear a voice, "What's got you smiling like that, Blood Puff?"

His expression quickly did a 180 when he knew who was coming, "Kama." He said turning to the female serval that was approaching him, "What do you want?" Tau asked.

She looked at him and turned her attention to the Prideland that he was watching with a cheerful expression, "I heard that a couple of Pridelanders came to the Outlands." Kama said, Tau let out a scoff at this, "Don't they always?" referring to the cheetah girl and her friends. "Yeah, but I heard this one was special." She said, turning her attention back at the lion, "That they were the royals."

Tau felt a clutch in his chest, why was she concerned about the fact that it was the royals? "I guess this means that you made amend with the Pridelanders?" she asked curiously at the cub. Tau need not even look at her to know a smirk was across her face, but he could not understand why. What was she up too? Or rather, what are they up too?

He let out a sigh, "I don't know if I can completely forgive the Pridelanders for what happened, I mean." Tau let out a nervous chuckle, "Their king was a pain. But maybe they aren't that bad." He mentioned.

Kama approached near by and lay next to him, "Just remember, we still have our role to play in all this. And if the others were to find out about this, they're death is assured." Kama said, though it would sound like a threat; Tau knew it was a warning.

"I know." He looked over at Kama who was focused on the moon, "But what if there is a chance, we could change our fate!" Kama was surprised by this, 'Since when had Tau ever feared death? After coming close to it countless times, was he starting to go soft?'

"What happened during your time with those Pridelanders?" She asked curiously at Tau, "Nothing! It's just, what if we don't have to fight?" He said reassuring to her, but she was feeling insulted by this, "Don't have to Fight?! LOOK AT ME!" She yelled standing over Tau, "THESE OUTLANDERS HAVE WHAT'S COMING TO THEM! AFTER EVERYTHING THEY'VE PUT ME THROUGH! REMEMBER WHAT THOSE PRIDELANDERS DID TO YOU! THE DEATH THEY ALL PUT US THROUGH!" Her voice was loud that Tau would be sure that everyone in the Outlands and even the Pridelands could hear her yelling.

Tau looked down nervously, "I remember, I still have nightmares of that time. But what if Pridelanders aren't all that ba-" he was quickly cut off by Kama, "Aren't all that bad?! They're deceiving you! They'll backstab you the moment you open up to them." She backed off for a moment to reclaim herself.

Letting out a sigh, "Just remember who's side you're on. Later, Blood Puff!" She said before leaving the cub under the moon in a thought, "I hate being called Blood Puff." Tau whispered under his breath.

Here is a bonus, have fun figuring out the pieces >:)

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