Into the Pridelands (Pt. 2)

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They had arrived at the buffaloes' grazing grounds which was located near the border of the Outlands, it was a sure sign that an Outlander must have made it into the Pridelands to poach for food again. It was surprising since there were hardly any attacks from them besides those one hyenas a while back.

Finding three fully grown male buffaloes on the ground killed. This was not the only thing they had discovered, they looked to have been left alone besides the loss of their horns and eyes. What happened here? Simba thought confounded at the sight. The others were just as shocked, perhaps more so than Simba at this.

One lioness, Nirmala went over towards the carcasses to look at what might have happened where as the two lions, Baliyo and Surak went to try and track a scent for maybe a clue. Their support in this was appreciated by the King and Queen.

Simba looked over towards the herd of Buffaloes that were looking a bit shaken at the situation, "Does anyone know what happened here?" he asked for a hopeful volunteer.

A female buffalo came stepping forward, it was someone that Simba was familiar with from past leader meetings, it was Vuruga Vuruga who is the current leader of the Buffalo. She came a few steps away from him as she gave a courtesy bow, "Your Majesty!" she greeted.

She had a bit of nervousness in her tone, as if she had just witnessed a nightmare; though given the sight and what happened, it might as well just have been. Simba gave his greeting to the buffalo and proceeded to have her explain of what happened.

"We were eating just as any other time, when someone came from the Outlands. Having red hungry eyes like a savaged animal, came and killed our family and took their horns." She said with a distraught as she stomp a hoof into the ground.

Simba and Nala looked towards each other with what they heard; it was as Simba had expected but why did they not eat their prey? Why leave them and take only their horns and eyes?

Rani also questioned the news she overheard the buffalo mentioning, a sickening feeling swelling in her that someone came just to commit such atrocity. She struggled to keep herself from snapping at this, feeling that these animals didn't deserve such a fate as this.

Coming up next to her were her brother and uncle, both of whom looked confused and disappointed, "What did you two find?" she asked.

Both of them shook their heads disappointingly, "Sorry sis, we couldn't pick up any trace besides the buffaloes." Baliyo said with his ears lowered in defeat.

"It is unusual how whoever did this didn't leave any way for us to follow." Surak followed after.

This was surprising to Rani that this attacker received Surak's concern, being experienced in tracking and with his wisdom and this creature was able to sneak pass him as well. Approaching next is their last of the pride member, Nirmala with a distant look.

The three looked at her expecting to hear of her finding, she found herself laying discomforting with a bit of distress in her eyes, as if she were wallowing in grief. "Is everything alright Nirmala?" Rani asked nervously, afraid of possibly making worse whatever was troubling her.

She took a deep, calming breath to recompose herself, "I'm fine-" taking a moment to further explain what she had discovered, "I just can't believe anyone would be so cruel to these magnificent creatures."

This only made them want to know more of why she was grieving this much, it was understandable that anyone killing just for killing was already enough to cause strife with their conscious. But she was no stranger to others death, young and old alike.

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