Here comes the Night Pride

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In the Pridelands as the sun started to rise, King Simba along with his family and Royal Mjuzi Rafiki and apprentice Makini waited for the Queen of the Tree of Life, Queen Janna.

Waiting for what felt like a long time, Princess Kiara had her two best friends by her side. Zuri who had recovered from what happened in the Outlands shortly after returning with the help of Rafiki remained mostly silence while Tiifu and Kiara talked.

It wasn't until Zazu informed them of a pride of lions coming from the direction they were expecting them to come. "Thanks Zazu." Simba praised the hornbill.

"Any idea what these lions are like Kiara?" Tiifu asked a tad nervously.

Kiara shook her head as she had never recalled ever meeting any lions from the Tree of Life, she remember hearing that Makini was from the place though and she had nothing but good things to say about the place. A place where all animal of every kind gather to feel safe and goes to get healed.

"This will be my first time meeting them." Kiara informed Tiifu.

Makini looked out at the path where they are to arrive at with an excitement, "I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Queen Janna again!" she said hyperactive as she pulled her bakora staff next to her, "Do you think she will remember me?!" she further asked with a puzzled look.

Kiara gave a small chuckle at her excitement, "Doubt it, you're good at giving a big impression." She said to the mandrill that looked ready to explode, a bit of laughter in her tone.

Their patient was soon rewarded when four lions arrived at the base of Pride Rock, two males and females and on the back of one is a white owl.

In the lead of the four is a lioness with a coat of auburn and dark brown underneath, across her forehead is a streak of blue paint. She lead the other three with a sense of pride signaling that she is the leader of the group.

Next to her is a lion not to much of a different age from her, the two being roughly around Kiara's age. He has dark brown coat and a creamy brown underbelly, his mane waved over his head giving him a larger appearance than he really is.

Another lioness with an elegant grace in her steps, a chestnut brown fur and tan underbelly. She has a violet orange flower behind her right ear.

And last of them is a fully grown lion with bulky and muscular built, dark brown fur and creamy brown underbelly. He was one that Simba remembered seeing visit last time, he was one of Queen Janna's cub, Surak was what he believed to be the name.

"We of the Night Pride thank you for our visit, your majesty!" the leader of the group said as she gave a bow, the other three following suite.

Simba gave a slight appreciation for the greeting, "No need for such formality, I welcome you and your pride in the Pridelands." He said gesturing for them to raise up their heads. Looking around for the one he was as well expecting to see of the group, "Where might Queen Janna be if I might ask?"

A small concern fell on the four as that name was spoken, the leader of the pride took a step forward to give her statement, "My name is Rani, leader of the Night Pride! I am also Queen Janna's grand-daughter and current queen of the Tree of Life." She informed letting the first moment of the news to sink in, "Queen Janna, my Grandmother- had completed her role in the Circle of Life."

Hearing this brought a dread to the group at such dire news, Makini of which was most sadden by the news that she was no longer going to see the queen anymore. "I'm sorry to hear of this, I know of losing someone important." Simba said trying to cough those words out with a stern voice.

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