Bonus_ Dark Tau

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-A quick Warning: There is mention of harming a female (Though she likes it) and causing her to bleed. And she has a Gore thing...Don't look it up if you don't know what that is, it's sickening.-

[5 Months ago – After 'the incident']

Night was coming to the Outlands, a time when all the creatures start to fear for the one thing that lurks through the night. One who is feared resides in a place where a golden cub was venturing too, The Elephant's Graveyard.

Taking a few moments of breaks to catch his breath, putting his paw over a recently sealed wound around the belly to make sure it had not open back up. He looked up to see he had arrived where he was heading, a scenery covered with bones and web. And from the distance where he stood, he could see a skull with tusks of an Elephant's.

When he first saw it, he would wonder what the creature was like when it was alive. It was larger than any other elephants he had a chance to see, how was it that anything could be that large? He would wonder but not now.

Stepping into the Graveyard, he called out for a name that would send chills down anyone's back, "Kulua!" he called, to be met with no sound. Looking around for any possible chance that he would see the memorable eyes that shimmer eerie in the night that haunted him when he was first greeted to Kulua by his mentor and grandfather Hekima.

Tau venture further into the Graveyard and continued to call out for Kulua hoping to find him, but the only thing he was met with were the creatures that lurk against the ground. Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes, and Roaches.

As he was starting to feel like he was not going to find him, he turned around to leave back the way he came only to be met with a pair of yellow eyes staring at him, "Ah!" Tau shouted in fear tumbling onto his back in fear. "You called?" he asked looking down at the cub unamused at what he was seeing.

A sickly voice that spoke with disgust for anything and everything around, laying his paw on the cub's stomach that was in full view from when he fell and applying pressure down squeezing out the air from the cub, "Ouch! Stop!" Tau cried out in pain but was met with little to no mercy from the dark creature.

Releasing the pressure to allow the cub to regain himself from the moment of pain, "I would answer why you came here. If you refuse, you may never find yourself leaving this place again." Kulua said to the cub with no care for the life of the cub. Tau was coughing for a moment before he was able to speak, "I wanted you to train me." This was unsuspecting for Kulua to say the least.

Removing his paw from the cub allowing him to regain on solid ground again across from Kulua, "You want me to train you? On...?" He asked wanting to make sure he knew what Tau was asking of him. Tau had a moment of silent to answer this, he heard the story of what Kulua does and his methods of doing things, and they were things no sane animal would think of doing. "I want you to make me stronger." Tau answered.

A moment of shock came to Kulua, "Train him to become stronger?!" he thought to himself, the moment of shock did not last as he regain thinking of the possibility to train Tau, "He may be of some use to me." He finished thinking to himself.

He took a moment to look at the determined yet frighten look in the cub's eyes, "You do know how I got to be so-" a moment pause came before he resumed, "Powerful." He'd finished.

Tau looked nervous at this matter, "Of course, Grandfather would tell me that you would eat poisonous creatures to help numb your nerves." Tau answered, a sly smirk came to Kulua with the obvious fear in the cub's eyes, "It is to gain their power. To devour the strong and weak while reigning dominant over them." He explained to the cub wrapping around him like a snake coiling around its prey. Placing his paw on top of the cub's head where his mane is and gave it a stroke, nails extended out to let the cub feel his claws just scratching against the skin of his skull.

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