[A/N] Back but more ...

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Hey everyone, FireKilledMe here with a few noticed announcements. This isn't a new chapter and I am sorry ... I know how long it has been since the last one and I will promise to make it up too you.

Where do I begin? I guess I could start at the beginning on why I had disappeared for so long.
I have came back to find my Notifications were slammed (Mainly with unimportant announcements to me.) with over 40 things! (That's nothing compare to my Email which has over 8K unread messages ... I seriously need to clean that)

Anyways, if you have been a member of my friend, SpiderEye-'s Discord Server (https://discord.gg/5gx3Ysp) you would have been able to get in touch with me easier.

I was avoiding Wattpad; well, not just Wattpad. I was avoiding all writing sites I am a part of. I have been stressing, struggling with some things over here. I needed to step back, to regain myself in the form of over 3 packs of incense sticks and scented candle wax.

I have lost friends, family, dealing with angry customers, and having sleep deprive. It gotten so bad that even at work I have like 5-6 associates asking me if something is wrong with me. I am normally a cheerful, crazy, and troublesome person; but I feel ... anything but that.

I will say, it isn't anyone's fault here on Wattpad or any other sites, it is just something I have been struggling with. Though I will luckily say it won't lead me down to using "other" methods to help. So, you don't need to worry about that.

I thank everyone who enjoyed and supported my story. I will still keep writing this when I have finally gotten some things set up but I am thinking of slowly moving away from the Lion Guard fandom soon. I still support the Kion x Jasiri, don't underestimate that! I'm just struggling to come up with ideas~ I feel like I am losing some of my touches or I am constricting myself too much.

I will say; I have seen too much hate. The fandom has become a toxic place thanks to not only those who are on the Anti-Rani bandwagon ... But from almost everyone. I could make a list, but I wont. War and Hatred; though I enjoy dark moments and drama, I don't enjoy what I am seeing.

Everyone is trying to target everyone if they don't fit in their quota, let writers write what they want, support them, ignore them, criticize them (Positively), but don't start this petty flame war because they don't side with what you like.

I like Kion x Jasiri, everyone who read my stories know this for a fact! I had people say, "Well if I hate on your ship, you'll punish me!" or, "Kion and Rani are cannon, so your ship is dead!"

I got 3 words to say to this, I don't care! Never have, never will. But people are getting hurt when you target them because of who they want to pair who with. I know what it is like getting bullied, getting hurt- it was what made me hate myself to the point that I went insane. I could hurt myself and I wouldn't even care, and I have done it. I have scars- I want to support those who are hurting cause I know that dark place, granted I knew how to avoid the depth of it but I am no stranger to that corner. But I knew some friends who weren't as lucky as I was.

Just remember, when you attack people on the Internet; whether it is here or anywhere else, you are murdering someone! Whether you know it or not, they could be in a dark place like I am and don't know how to escape it, and you could be the one who pulls the trigger and takes their life!

Life is fragile, and during these times; it is on the brink. And seeing people argue on waging war on other people for not falling in click with them is just as petty as the ones you are waging war against.

Two final announcements before I am done here.

Me and a few of my co-partners are working on something- whether we manage to make it or not depends on how well we can work together without someone being a pain- and I know I am going to be laughed at by them again for that pun. -.- Yeah, yeah DC!

Finally, my birthday is fastly approaching, it will hit on October 14th; though I won't get to do what I originally was going to do (Thanks Covid *sarcastic*) I still can't wait to at least go window shopping through town. (I usually can only get to do that once a year, so I'll take it!)

I know a lot of this feels down, and I am sorry. But I had to say this; I am almost fully recovered from my stress though, I just need a few more moments to clear the final thing that has been bugging me; my writer-block! THAT ACCURSED CURSE HAS STRUCK ME HARD BECAUSE OF THIS STRESS! See you all soon and I wish you luck during these times- and also; I appreciate everyone here!

(Unless you're DeadlyCodes or K13K ... In which case, you can go dive in a shark infested water for what you two did in Uno! AND TO THAT TRAITOR AS WELL!) Seriously, I feel like all my old demon friends are targeting me.

Well, c ya all soon and Happy almost month of Halloween! (No other holidays I am aware of to say.)

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