Returned / Confession (Pt. 2)

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[Rewind to when Jasiri and the lionesses were cut off by Kama]

Kama had just walked away from Jasiri and the Lionesses after explaining how the next time she met with the Princess would also be when Tau turned evil. Jasiri didn't want to believe what she just said, Tau may have lost his temper a time or two, but turning evil?

The two lionesses noticing that the serval had left, left them with a question as well. Tiifu looked over at Kiara confused by what she meant, 'You came into the Outlands before, and met a lion cub by the name of Kovu.' Kiara had never told her about this.

"We had better hurry and get your friend back." Jasiri said continuing on, reminding them that they didn't have time to worry about what just happened.

One thing though is that Jasiri felt a little better, 'If she mentioned about Tau like that, it could only mean that he's still alive.' But it still didn't free her from all doubt. There was still the chance that she left him injured, 'Hang on Tau.' She hoped.

The group had managed to make it towards a log bridged that connects the Pridelands to the Outlands, it was rotten and a bit unstable. Kiara was the first to cross, walking slowly over it, stopping as she heard a small crackling sound coming from the log.

"Careful!" Tiifu called out worried for her friend, Kiara looked back at her and gave her a nod before resuming her walk across. Each step felt heavy to her, the chances of this breaking and falling into the water again scared her. "easy does it..." she says to herself softly.

After a few seconds of taking her time, Kiara had managed to make it across. Next, Tiifu started to walk across the bridge. The crackling sounds were scaring her, but a sudden shake was felt as a crack started to form into the log. "Hurry!" Kiara called out to her friend.

Tiifu quickly ran the rest of the way, the log was still standing; Jasiri felt a bit nervous for the lioness on her back, if it was by any chance just her, she could probably handle it no problem, but the chances of it holding two at once was something that seemed impossible.

Jasiri took a step on the log, making a slow progress, managing the balance of weight to hopefully allow it to last till she made it across. The other two lionesses watches the hyena with anticipation. When she had managed to make it halfway across, the log started to give out.

Below her paw, the sound of the log crackling grew louder as it starts to split into two heading to the water below. It would not hold for them to make it across, Jasiri quickly shot Zuri off her back towards the Pridelands.

The two lionesses had caught their unconscious friend and dragged her back to the Pridelands, Jasiri was about to race back when the log had completely snapped under her sending her down with it.

"Jasiri!" Tiifu shouted, looking down the craves where the river ran. They saw a paw digging its' claw into the side of the ledge. Jasiri was holding on as the water pushed itself against her, trying to send her down the path.

Managing to pull herself above water to breath again, she was struggling just to hold onto the ledge. The two lionesses looked at her with amazement, she was possibly around the same age as them and she was a lot tougher.

Finally pulling herself completely out of submerged water and started to climb up against the ledge back onto solid grounds into the Outlands.

She took a few moments to catch her breath before she looked back at the group over at the Pridelands side, "You'll have to get back the rest of the way on your own." She said before leaving back into the Outlands.

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