A Race against Time / Did we win...?

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Tau was knocked to the ground, not able to regain his stance in time before Safia put in the final blow, 'Is this the end?' he thought trying to find a way to escape from the situation he was in. "I won't let you hurt him!" A voice cried out snapping him out of his paralyzed state as he saw a blur of gray and purple swipe pass him knocking Safia to the ground away from him.

Safia shook off the dust getting up from that sudden surprise attack, "Who's the dead fo-" she started when she took notice of another hyena standing between Tau and her, "Jasiri." Both Tau and Safia with a different in their excitement in seeing her. Safia took a stance looking bold and with a smirk coming over her, "Came to save your precious lion?" she mocked.

Jasiri slowly came next to Tau while keeping a close eye on Safia, keeping low ready to pounce if needed while letting out a growl. Tau was starting to get back up after that breather, "What are you doing here Jasiri?" he asked her, happy to see her here but also wondering how she knew to come. She turned her attention to Tau, "Do you really need to ask? You never came by today and so I followed your scent." She explained; Tau giving a smile, "Thanks, I owe you for this." He said.

The two were glad to see each other, "I know how you can return the favor." Jasiri teased. Safia was starting to get annoyed at their little moment, "Yuck! Lovebirds." She made a puking noise. "I'll bring this fight to an end." She finished regaining the two's attention. Turning her attention to her brother Kuru who was lurking behind a pillar of rock "Kuru! Take care of Jasiri, I will not allow outsiders to interfere with our fight." She returned her attention back to Tau implying a personal grudge against him.

Kuru looked over at his sister in fear, "...bu-" he tried saying something when she snaps angerly at him, "YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU!" baring her teeth at him. Kuru came over by his sister submissively taking a stance to try and look ready to fight but anyone could tell he was nervously shaking; you would think the volcano was about to erupt. Tau looks over at Jasiri for a moment, "I'll be fine handling Safia now." He said reassuring to her.

Jasiri and Kuru started taking their fight away from the other two, "You'd better not lose Tau!" Jasiri said to which Tau responded back with a nod. "Now that she is out of the way, we can get back to me killing you." Safia said with satisfaction which Tau chuckles back confusing her.

"We'll see." He responded with a smile and for some reason that was making her angry.

[The other Group]

The other group in charged of collecting the Volcano Ashes were struggling with the female hyena keeping them on their paws, "Any last words?" she asks of them with a mockery. Nne, Tano, and Beshte were trying to knock her off her feet with Ono swiping pass trying to strike her with his beak. Makini was staying as far back from the fight holding tight to the gourd that contains the ashes they need.

Noticing the others were running out of energy to keep this going, "Getting tired already?" She said with a laughter knowing that once these three were out of the way then they would end up being her meal. A noise surprising her, "Huwezi!" turning her attention to where it came from the hyena was tackled to the ground by the cheetah. "Not so tough now?" Fuli taunted the hyena who was struggling to get her off.

"How did you win against Lora and Luna?" she asked shocked, "Them two? Who knows?" Fuli answered which irritated her, 'There's no way these Pridelanders could be a challenge.' Darting her attention to Janja she could find it even harder to believe that they would lose to him. So then how? Trying to make sense of this was not doing her any good.

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