The Lost Cub / The New Family

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It was just another morning in the Pridelands for the Lions, Simba was educating Kiara on the importance of becoming the soon-to-be queen of the Pridelands while Nala and the other Lionesses stayed at Pride Rock.

An infant cub about five weeks old came heading out of the den with a scruffy small patch of red mane; he made his way over towards the edge of Pride Rock to look out at the amazing sight that was his home. The cub let out his best roar which sounded close to a baby kitten, feeling proud of his accomplishment while the other lionesses around couldn't help but found it to be adorable and funny at the same time.

One said lioness came up to the infant, "What do you think you're doing Kion?" she asked while knowing the infant was still too young to speak but gave a smile to the lioness who was his grandmother Sarabi. Sarabi lowered down to the cub as he started to rub under her chin side. She then went and picked the cub up to bring him over towards his mother Nala.

Kion would occasionally try to and attack her ear while being cradled upside down, it was a happy moment for them until one voice came catching their attention, "A mother with her cub, what a momentum occasion for these excuse for lions!" The Lionesses looked over to seeing Zira and a few of her followers behind her.

"Zira!" Nala said angerly while hiding her cub from the wicked smile from the outsider lioness, "What are you doing in the Pridelands!" she finished.

Zira gave a chuckle, "I wanted to see the place before we take it back for Scar!" she said which ached the Pridelander Lioness to hear his name be mentioned, "Scar is dead and you and your followers will never get your claws on the Pridelands!" Nala threatened with a snarl, getting into position to defend.

She wasn't happy to be reminded of Scar's demise from Simba and the hyenas who betrayed him, "I'll be sure to send you all there with him, starting with that cub of yours!" she yelled back in rage towards the shocked Nala, "Leave Kion out of this, he's only a cub!" she begged of Zira, but only received an evil grin from said Lioness.

"Attack!" Zira called out in which her followers came charging towards the others, to which the Pridelander Lionesses did the same except for Nala and Sarabi who stood near the cub, the numbers of attacker were equal for a 1v1 fight.

Though they were fair of amount, the Pridelanders were struggling to keep up with Zira's follower's relentless attacks. Occasionally with some of the Outsiders Lioness would jump from their current target to give a quick swipe at another without warning; making some fights become 2-3v1 as they were starting to approach, "Take Kion and Run!" Nala said to Sarabi giving her the cub.

Sarabi ran off with Kion, one of the Outsider Lioness abandon the fight and chased after the two, as Sarabi got to a field of tall grass knowing that she can't keep running any further. She placed Kion down in the field and whispered to him to stay low to the ground.

"Where's the Cub?" the Lioness asked Sarabi with a scowl on her, Sarabi growled at the lioness, "I won't let you touch him!" she said to which the other took as a challenge, "Very well then, have it your way!" she said before the two classed in a fight.

The two fought, but with Sarabi's old age; she wasn't as agile or strong like she used to be, the other lioness had the advantage in this battle. The Outcasted Lioness made a swipe against the old lioness, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Your time is up, old hag!" the Outcasted said ready for the final strike, raising her paw high in the air with her claws extended out, and started to let gravity help send her claws down; when a sound rustled through the tall grass, the lioness stopped her paw.

"The cub!" she thought, directing her attention towards where the sound came from, walking over to the tall grass to find the prince, while looking across the tall grass, Sarabi using what little strength she had went and pounced towards the distracted lioness, "No!" She yelled at the Outcasted.

Kion was running as fast as possible away from the event, completely terrified of what could happen if he remained around there to allow the other lioness to find him. He was not paying attention to where he was running until he came up to a cliff that separated the Pridelands from the Outlands.

He stopped at the edge of the cliff, huffing for a breath of fresh air from the running as he stares off into the Outlands. His eyes were widened both in fear and exhaustion, turning around to seeing if the one lioness was still pursuing him to see it all quiet. When a snap could be heard from a twig breaking, the cub backed up only to lose his footing and come tumbling down the cliff and into the Outlands.

It wasn't a safe fall as he hit against edge rocks hard before hitting the ground, the cub was bruised around the hind legs, shoulder, and the head. The cub tried moving with barely going an inch away from the fall zone before the pain caused him to cry out.

The hot sun's ray was hitting the cub causing his exhaustion or pain to be the least of his problem, the Outlands was a frying desert and without getting to shade or some water, the cub would die from the heat. He started to call out for help, not caring who.

As a moment of time has passed, the cub's voice started to die down as he was losing hope that anyone would come save him, slowly closing his eyes to accept fate that this would be the end for the cub.

When a shadow came over the cub, he opened his eyes to try and see what was blocking the sun to see a grey blur reaching down with its mouth opened, the cub closed its eyes again.

A fully-grown female hyena picked the cub up and started to carry him off, "Don't worry little guy." The hyena thought as she carried him back to a den full of hyenas. The hyenas were all once a part of Scar's army and in a clear dried area was Banzai and Ed having an argument, though it was more Banzai arguing with Ed on stealing his bone. Ed just laughed like he always does.

The argument came to an end when they saw Shenzi coming back with something in her mouth, a cub to be exact, "Oh hey! You brought us some lunch!" Banzai was excited to see; Shenzi placed the cub down before swatting at Banzai, "There will be no eating this little guy!" She yelled at him.

Banzai looked at Shenzi confused, "Then what do you plan to do with him?" he asked, to which the response was something he couldn't understand, "I plan to raise him."

Banzai looked at her like she had a screw loose going on, a hyena raising a lion is just crazy, especially after what Scar did to them. But Banzai knew that whenever Shenzi made up her mind, there was no stopping her or even challenging it for that matter.

Inside of the den, a little hyena pup came out to greet his mother who came back, taking a few steps the pup came flopping down on his face from the lost of balance. Shenzi went up to her pup and placed the cub next to the hyena, "Janja, what are you doing out of the den?" she asked the pup. "wanning see you." The pup tried saying while rubbing his nose.

He quickly took noticed of the cub that she brought back, starting to smell the lion she gave a chuckle to her pup, "Meet your new baby brother." Janja let out a sneeze before rubbing up against the cub's fur to sleep with him.

Shenzi enjoyed this moment until Banzai asked a question she had yet thought of at the moment, "So what's the kid's name?" he asked.

She looked at the cub for a moment to think of something for him, "Tau" she said. To which Ed started laughing at the name which got a smack from Banzai, "Shut it! Do you want to get us killed?" he warned the other hyena. Though that warning fell on deaf ear as he started to burst out laughing.

This annoyed Shenzi as she yelled at the two hyenas, "Will the both of you be quiet?! I need to bring these two in to sleep so if you'll excuse me." Shenzi said grabbing the cub which woke the hyena up as the three went into the den.

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