Tau's Death (Pt. 2)

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A small golden fur cub 5 month old was following behind an elderly hyena, "Where are we grandfather?" the cub asked the hyena.

The hyena looked down at the cub with a warm smile, "To meet someone important." He said to the cub. Tau stood watching the two as they walked across the Outlands, "Is that, me and grandfather?" the older version of the cub spoke watching the event played out.

Tau followed the two, curious what was happening. Why was there a smaller version of himself? And why was grandfather walking about? He had not walked for roughly 3 months after his legs had given out on him.

The scenery had slowly changed around, from a dry desert look to a dark and gloomy graveyard, the Elephant's Graveyard. 'This is?!' Tau thought looking around. As they had slowly approached, the younger Tau loomed closer next to the hyena.

"You don't need to be scared Tau; I'll be here by your side." He said to the scared Tau, he looked up at the hyena with his hazel brown eyes, a still recently cut scar across his left eye.

'I remember this, this is when I first met-' Tau thought to himself before a voice interrupted his thought, "A visitor, in my territory?" a voice loomed from within the center giant skull. Tau quickly darted his attention over to the figure that glowed a yellow eye out from the shadows of the skull's mouth.

"Kulua!" Tau said as he watched coming out of the skull a large male feline with busted up teeth, scars across his body, the main being a three mark claw mark stretching from the helm of his right side head skidding across to the back. He has one yellow eye as the other was a like a white ball of nothingness.

It was a bobcat, his expression quickly grew sour when looking at who had visited him, "Hekima, what reasons do you have in coming here?" Kulua asked the hyena, the hyena gave Kulua a slight bow, "I had come bringing the cub I've spoken about." He said gesturing to the cub hiding behind him.

"His name is Tau, a lion raised by hyenas. I believe he will be able to help save the Outlands." Hekima said, Kulua glanced over at the cub, his eye staring like a ray of dagger sending Tau to squeal backward at this. His expression grew sour, "He has the same scar as the Lion who started all this, do you really expect him to undo what 'he' started?" he said returning his focus to the hyena.

Hekima gave a slight chuckle at this, "I know we had struggle because of Scar, but not all lions are the same. He is pure, kind, and full of curiosity. And that is why I need your help." This drawn the attention of the bobcat.

"I can't teach him to fight, my muscles are growing weaker as the seasons pass. It won't be long before I can't even stand anymore."

The older Tau looked at this moment, seeing as Kulua gave a slight chuckle at this, "You make me sound old as well Hekima, have you forgotten we were only born a few months apart?"

"Both not of the same, you who still move as you had since you were a scruffy bobcat that would help me whenever I would get caught under debris." Hekima responded with a smile. Kulua gave a small sigh, "Fine, but know my method of aid is not suited for this cub at the time. When he is ready, I will help him." He agreed to Hekima's request.

Tau watched as Hekima and his younger version had vanished like smoke, 'What is the point of all this?' he thought to himself when a voice suddenly surprised him, "To understand your role in the Circle of Life."

Tau's eyes widen as he turned to the only other animal who had not disappeared as the other two, "Kulua?" he asked curious as the bobcat looked at the lion as if he could see him.

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