15K View Special - Three Friends with an End

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[8 Months ago]

Tau had finished chasing a couple of jackals back into the Outlands after their failed attempt to escape into the Pridelands. Behind him giving aid is his best friend and trusted companion, a female hyena named Jasiri.

"Did you see that Jasiri?" Tau asked her with a chuckle in his throat at their squirming back to the Outlands. Jasiri couldn't help but join in the amusement of their victory and those jackals' humiliating defeat.

"You mean when you and that jackal both came toppling down the hill side?" Jasiri mocked the lion with laughter, to which Tau found unamused and annoyed at her bringing up his humiliating moment.

Jasiri couldn't help but find the grump from Tau's expression much more hilarious, "Relax, I'm only teasing you, you were pretty brave handling two jackals on your own." She said encouraging him to hopefully lighten his mood.

Tau simply rolled his eyes at this, "Not really that great when you were up against four of them." He said losing a bit of his encouragement and excitement he had earlier to a humiliating defeat of his own.

Jasiri had grown a bit distraught at his sudden attitude, "Tau?" she asked him a bit nervous at his sudden slouch with the ears. "It's not so bad, you did save my life." She said to try and cheer him up a bit.

"yeah." Tau responded a bit moping as he slowly walks away with a dread, Jasiri felt hurt watching Tau leave looking like the world had disappeared from under him.

Tau had headed over towards a lone pillar to lay on to calm himself, 'Why did I act like that in front of Jasiri?' he thought to himself letting out an annoying grunt while swiping his front paws in his face.

He stayed motionless on the pillar, soaking up the sun ray almost hoping it could regain his joy. "What is the problem?" a voice sounding with a hissing tone. Tau looked over to where the voice came from to see an Egyptian Cobra with a red body and a tan underbelly.

"Who are you?" Tau asked the snake, he let out a small snicker at the lion's confusion, "Just another resident of this place. The name's Ushari." He said giving his greeting.

"Ushari? I don't remember hearing of an Outlander with that name. Are you new around here?" Tau asked curiously for an answer.

Ushari let out a hissing chuckle for some strange reason, giving Tau a bit of confusion as to what he found funny, "Yes, I had to leave my previous home due to some-" he said giving a pause as if he was hesitant about something, "'unfortunate' events." He finished.

Tau was left confused even more at this cobra's mention, but giving how he is unaware of his personality, it must be just his way of speaking. "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm-" Tau said but was cut off by the cobra.

"Tau, I heard a lot about you from a 'friend' of mine." Ushari said letting out another snicker. This left the lion more confused but let it still slide as just this snake's personality only.

"What did your friend have to say about me?" Tau asked him curiously about the mention that someone was talking about him.

Ushari gave a shrug with his coiled body, "That you are a lion raised by a family of hyenas only to be cast out." Tau's eyes quickly raised a brow at how their friend knew that, "And that you were living with your adopted brother Janja while protecting the Outlands." He further stated to which Tau was not surprised that someone knew this. "And that you murdered a pup!" Ushari finished with a sinister smirk.

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