Kulua (Pt. 1)

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The crescent moon shines down all throughout the Outlands, and all the animals are in their den sleeping; well, not all of them.

Tau and Jasiri are asleep in the open field of the Outlands, Kama was on her way towards the Outland's Volcano, Janja was stroking the ground waiting for his brother to return, and one other who's awake.

As Kama made her way towards the Volcano, a group of yellow glowing eyes watches her every movement with caution to not be spotted, "I'll make those nuisances pay dearly!" Kama spoke with a growl in her voice.

The creatures watching her started to speak to one another like voices in the wind, "Kama's out of control." They said as the words echoed through the Outlands. It followed through to the darkest part of the Outlands, the Elephant's Graveyard. For lurking inside the skull that marks the place is an old bobcat laying awake on a pile of bones.

The creatures spoke to him while remaining hidden in the shadows, running as a blur back and forth out of sight, "So she had gone rouge." Kulua said, giving a deep sigh to this news, "Not like I had not seen this coming. Though I'd hope to prevent it." He finished with a distraught towards it.

Kulua looked over towards the open crack in the skull, where shining through is the moon that shines ever so beautifully even to the most cold hearted of creatures, "She still has much to learn if she is to become my successor." He said.

He took a moment before he remembered of his old friend, Hekima and of his successor Tau, "What would you had done Hekima?" he asked to no one, hoping to find the answer to his question.

After a few moments of time to allow him to think of how Hekima would do, he let out a rough small chuckle from the throat, "You would had set a trial by making another try to lead him astray." He said recalling that, that was exactly what he had done using him.

A small smile came to him, "In the end, I could never win against you. Could I?" he said as he recalls of a time in the distant past.

[A time before King Simba had become born]

Far in the Outlands, two teenage pairs were playing a game of Prey and Hunt. A bobcat was sitting in an open area around numbers of piles of rocks looking for something, or rather...Someone. A hyena was slowly stalking around through the area, just out of the bobcat's sight.

The bobcat gave a chuckle as he glances around for the hyena, using both of his good eyes to hopefully catch a glimpse. "Come on Hekima! If I have to wait any longer, I might start turning into another one of these piles of rocks." Kulua shouted out for him to hear the taunting.

Hekima had simply ignored Kulua's taunt and resumed hiding, he knew that Kulua was only trying to throw him off his game. He started to make his way on top of a pillar to be able to look down at the bobcat who waited patiently for the hyena to show himself.

Whenever Kulua would possibly look towards where he feels the gaze of the hyena, Hekima would quickly jump out of the way to a new pillar or on the ground behind them as to stay out of sight, "Not very subtle, I can hear you, you know!" He furthered taunted the hyena.

Kulua had come to the expecting that Hekima would not respond to any of his taunting, but that was what surprised him when he heard a retort back from his previous, "Then I had best make my move!" Hekima said as he pounced towards the bobcat.

Kulua had turned around towards the sound to see a flash of the hyena flying towards him before the two hit the ground with a thud. 'Ouch!' Kulua groaned at the pain he was feeling as he waved a paw to the back of his head, "Did you really have to pounce on me like that?!" he asked the hyena who was sitting on top of him with a victorious grin.

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