-Pt. 3- The Search for Kama

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** At Pride Rock **

Tau questionable thought of the words that was mentioned, "The next time Kama meets with Kiara, then I'll turn evil?" trying to make sense of why them two meeting would cause this. Surely there had to be a reason if Kama mentioned this, a message from Kulua was something to be taken seriously.

Nala looked at her once lost son who looked nervous at this news, "You shouldn't worry about this."

"It's a message from Kulua, that alone means it is something to worry about." Tau interjected to Nala's comfort. The others around questioned as to who this Kulua could be and why something this cryptic should be taken seriously.

"Who's this Kulua?" Bunga asked.

Tau and Jasiri questionably glanced to one another as if wondering who should speak up first in the matter, Jasiri deciding to take the stand in explaining.

"He's lived in the Outlands for an exceptionally long time, before a serious draught had nearly killed all the Outlanders. Able to predict the future somehow, never having been wrong." Jasiri said.

Their take on this was skeptical to say the least of this, "Able to predict the future? That is so unBUNGAlievable!" Bunga shouted in excitement to this. Everyone else had their doubt of this.

"Predict the future? Seriously? That's a little hard to believe, don't you think?" Fuli asked in doubt to this claim.

"Hard to believe for a Pridelander, but it is the truth." Tau spoke out at the cheetah.

Ono was next to speak, someone that Tau had almost forgot was present in the cave as well, "I'm with Fuli on this, I've never seen anyone predicting the future before." He said in doubt as well.

These Pridelanders are the same; thinking that their land is the only thing special and cares little for how we live. Tau glared at them before darting towards the exit of the cave, "I've had it here! I'm going to find Kama myself if I have too!"

Jasiri quickly raced behind him, "Tau!" she called out trying to catch up with the lion; everyone else around looking nervously at what had just happened.

Having to decide who were going to stay and chase after the two Outlanders, Nala, Fuli, Bunga, and Ono had agreed to go after while Simba, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri had stayed behind.

"Where are you going Tau?!" Jasiri spoke up from behind him.

Tau looked back over his shoulder while keeping his pace so he can get a clear look at the hyena, "If there is a chance that Kama and Kiara were to meet here in the Pridelands, I have to get her out of here before that happens. I don't know how or why, but I don't want to play in their game."

She had taken notice of this; it was a possibility, though something she herself wish were false like the Pridelanders back there, the truth was that she herself couldn't deny that there was a chance that if Tau were to turn evil, they may become enemies. If there is any hope to avoid this, it was worth the risk to do anything to prevent this from happening. "You won't be facing Kama."

"We can't depend on those lions to take care of Kama! You know what could happen to them!" Tau said.

A small smile came to Jasiri, "I know, and that's why we're going to stop Kama, 'Together'!" that word surprised Tau, a smile quickly coming to the lion as he regain his motivation.

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