Girl Talk -Pt. 2-

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Zuri and Kama both were following the path leading up a cliff; moving further away from the place that Zuri was glad to be away from. She followed behind her new companion; a serval named Kama who was able to scare away those crocodiles for some reason. It was strange, she was outnumbered, and crocodiles were known for their strength, so why?

"Why were those crocodiles scared of you?" she asked her, Kama looked back at the lioness that was confused and she gave a slight smile, "I guess you can say I have a history with Kiburi and his float, he would try to pick fights with me only to end up humiliating himself in the process. After the same outcome, he just gave up like a lot of these Outlanders." She said, her attitude soured when mentioning about Outlanders giving up.

Zuri was surprised and impressed by this, a single serval was able to take on a float of crocodiles until they became scared of her. But that also made her just as scary, why was someone like her around there when she was washed up there? "Why were you there when I was?" she asked the serval. Kama took a moment to this before giving an answer, "My uncle told me that a couple of Pridelanders had washed up in the Outlands and I wanted to meet a Pridelander." She said.

"How did he know we were washed up in the Outlands?" Zuri asked, more curious about this as it had just happened recently, how could he had known? Kama gave a small chuckle at that, "Nothing happens here in the Outlands that my uncle doesn't know." This made Zuri a bit nervous, having someone aware of everything happening just sounds suspicious.

"What's your uncle like?" she further asked, Kama looked back at the lioness with a stern expression at this, "You keep asking questions about me, but I haven't asked one myself." She said. The lioness looked at her curiously by this, "I would like to know, what is the Pridelands like?" Kama asked.

Zuri was curious to why she wants to know this, "It's great I guess, a wide flat land with plenty of greenery and water." Zuri said and proceed to look around, "Nothing like here." She finished.

Kama looked a tad annoyed at this but tried keeping a smiling appearance, 'This girl had best serve her purpose or I will take a to let out some frustration.' She thought to herself with her claws extended.

Stopping around a corner when a lioness and a hyena heard the sound of talking from the other side, "What is your favorite thing to do?" Tiifu remember hearing this voice, quickly rushing around the corner, "Zuri!" she called out as she found the tawny-orange furred lioness standing surprised and happily to seeing one of her friends, "Tiifu!" she said rushing to the cream colored fur lioness.

"I'm happy to see you're alright!" Tiifu said glad to know that Zuri was fine. Zuri was glad to see a familiar face that she failed to notice the hyena until she spoke, "Good to see that you found your friend." The hyena said catching their attention.

Tiifu looked at her with a smile, while Zuri looked confused at this, "A hyena?!" she said in shock. Jasiri rolled her eyes at this, "Yep, I'm a hyena." She said in a mocking tone to this. Tiifu placed a paw on Zuri's shoulder, "It's alright, Jasiri helped me find you." She said to Zuri to calm her down.

Zuri looked over at Jasiri who gave a smile, "I'm just glad you didn't wind up in Kiburi's territory." She said but a possibility dawned on her, "There is still a chance your other friend is ther-" Jasiri was saying when Zuri interrupted, "She isn't."

The two looked at her, "How do you know?" Tiifu asked curiously, "I was there." Zuri said. This surprised the two, but Jasiri was more so shocked, "You sure you were in Kiburi's territory?" Jasiri asked wanting to be sure. Zuri nodded, "At least that's was what she told me."

"She?" the two said in unison, "Yeah, she help-" Zuri said turning around, only dawned that they were down one. Kama had disappeared from the group, "Where did she go?" Zuri asked looking around.

Jasiri and Tiifu were confused about this, "You sure there was someone with you Zuri?" Tiifu asked her friend as if she had lost her marbles. "I know how it looks, but I'm telling you, I had someone with me!" Zuri said defending herself.

"Can I ask who this 'she' your speaking of?" Jasiri asked, both curious and concerning. And her concern was realized when Zuri spoke of the name, "Kama."

"Kama!" Jasiri said in shock, this grabbed the two's attention, "You know her?" Tiifu asked, 'Does that mean there was someone with Zuri?' she thought. Jasiri looked around the area and sniffed the air for a possible trace of the serval. "We had best get moving then, we need to get you out of the Outlands and fast." Jasiri said changing their direction back.

The two got nervous at this, "Who's Kama?" Tiifu asked Jasiri, Jasiri stopped and looked nervously at the lioness, a moment of silence as she let out a deep sigh, "I don't know much about Kama, not a lot of Outlanders do. But she has a deep-rooted hatred for Outlanders." She said, this left the two wondering, "So she hates Outlanders? What's wrong with that?" Zuri said as Tiifu knocked the wind out of her, "Zuri!" Tiifu said disappointed.

"It is worse than that, she only ever show herself if she's after something. And if you'd met her, she is wanting something." Jasiri said, and the two were wondering what made this dangerous about her. "What does she normally want?" Tiifu asked, Jasiri's expression grew more worried at remembering all the events that transpired with her, "A fight to the death."

AN: This chapter is short, but it was needed to be for the next chapter. 1/5

A reminder that this Friday will be the Q&A for our 10K view, send in your questions for either me or the cast and I will post all the answers (I may pull a few tricks) to the questions you ask. (Private Information isn't allowed, such being Name, Contact Info, Residence Location, ect...) Personal Information is allowed like Age, Where I was born, Where I work, ect...

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