Kama's Message / Kama's Breaking Point

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Jasiri and the two lionesses were running through the Outlands as fast as possible away from where Tau had agreed to hold Kama to buy them time to escape. The hyena carrying one of their friends, Zuri on her back who was stung by a centipede.

It was a nasty ploy from Kama, and it was one that filled Jasiri's mind with an array of confusion. This was not something she would normally pull, attacking Pridelanders or even interact with them for that matter.

It puzzled her why Kama would bring them into her grudge against the Outlands, was there a purpose to it all? The conversation that Zuri had mentioned having with her about any servals living in the Pridelands was also something that confused her.

But no matter how hard she tried thinking; nothing was adding up to her. There had to be something she was missing, something that was leading Kama to do all this.

Kama was a twisted and warped creature; her personality was something to be detested. She had no sense of morals or compassion, but she did honor something.

She never attempted to harm a Pridelander until now. After all those that had fallen into the Outlands throughout the year, she had known Kama. So why now? Recalling to the weight on her back, it was a reminder that Kama was acting out of character.

Her mind was also full of Tau, would he be able to handle Kama? Those two had always been at each other's throat for a long time, but what if something bad happens to him? Jasiri didn't want to think of the possibility that she could lose him, she was soon snapped to reality when hearing a voice, "Will Zuri be alright?"

It was the golden lioness, believing that Tiifu and Zuri mentioning her name was Kiara. She looked at the hyena's back to see her friend sleeping, a worried feeling running through that something bad might happen to her. "I don't think Kama did anything serious, though it would be best to get her back to the Pridelands." Jasiri said assuring the lioness.

Kiara looked curiously at the hyena, confused about this Kama, "Why did she do this?" she asked the hyena. Jasiri glanced at the lioness with a questionable moment to her.

"She had always had a mischievous and dangerous personality, though I can't say for sure. I never thought she would drag a Pridelander into this." What Jasiri said only confused them more. Why did she think this Kama wouldn't had done so? "If she's doing this, she must be after something-" she continued before a voice drawn their attention.

"Very smart, hyena!" their eyes widen at what was in front of them, sitting on a boulder grooming themselves was the serval that was left with Tau, "KAMA!" Jasiri said shocked and scared.

Kama was sitting there with a smirk across her face, noticing the expression on everyone around her had gone from nervous to hopelessness when coming to realize that she had caught up to them. One who spoke out on this was the Hyena.

"How did you get here before us?!" she asked the serval in disbelief, even if she had overpowered Tau and ran here afterwards, it shouldn't have been possible. They were running at full speed with hardly any signs of slowing down or stopping.

Kama gave a chuckle at this, "Did you really think you could ever outrun me? Not even a leopard could outrun me." She said, her chuckle turned into a silent smirk towards the hyena.

Jasiri's eyes widen at the mention of that, Kama noticed with pleasure that she had gotten under the hyena's fur, "Njue, the Outlander's best hunter couldn't even outrun a serval to save ... his ... 'Life'!" she continued to taunt. As this only made the hyena even more enraged at the serval who grew more excited with the sounds of her growl.

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