-Dare Accepted- Janja on the Run

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Author Note:

I want to make this first and foremost before we continue. This was part of a dare given to me by jackosam21 on Discord. If you are interested in getting interactive with me over there, the link is provided in this sentence's comment. Give us a visit, I'd love to interact with others.

Another two note I would like to post. 1. My Editor DeadlyCodes had been acting unusual for the past few days, at first believing that I had gone too far with our war, but this is beyond the normal level we go at. So until I get things settled with him, this story is on a short Hiatus. I apologize and will try to make it up to you when we get it all shorted out.

2. For the 20K View read, something is in mind, but I want everyone else' opinion on what I should do. 1 of which was recommended to me by my friend K13K which I would like to avoid because I would then have to owe her another favored, but I will leave it up to the fan.

(1.) Tau (Kion) and Jasiri goes on a Date [Recommended by K13K]
(2.) Tau (Kion) and Jasiri's kids
(3.) Janja and Tau (Kion) gets in a Fight

Comment which you would like to see!

-Now on to the Dare Chapter! This isn't cannon to my story . . . Maybe!-

The Outlands was at its' quietest and peaceful moment that Tau had ever seen in a long time, it was as if all the troubles and disaster that would normally happen had all decided to take a rest today. "Everything seems good." Tau said to the female hyena next to him. Her purplish-gray coat and purple eyes that made him feel a fluttery joy every time he saw her, Jasiri.

"That's a relief, I needed a day off from everything that happened." She said sounding a bit exhausted.

Tau gave a chuckle to this, "It hasn't been that bad." He said.

"Hasn't been that bad?" Jasiri scoffed at as she rolled her eyes, "We had to stop Reirei and her pack, search for Tunu, help Mzingo and Nu decide who get a tree, and keep those outsiders from the Swamplands away from the Elephant's Graveyard." She further mentioned with an exhaustion.

"I guess it had been a rough week." He responded sheepishly back.

Jasiri gave him a stern and solemn look, "This was yesterday."

Their moment of awkwardness soon broke from a fit of laughter that they soon gave out, "I guess we had been working hard. A day off would be a great change of pace." Tau said in confirming Jasiri's claim. "What would you like to do today?" he asked.

She gave a smile to the lion's question, "I wouldn't mind us going for a swim, I've been wanting to beat you at Vine Diving." She challenged him.

Tau's eyes widen at this, "Oh? You think you can beat me?" he said with a doubtful yet playful tone to her claim. The two were getting ready to head off before a voice cried out for help breaking them from their desire for the moment they were about to spend.

Rushing from around a corner was a male hyena with a gray coat that the two recognized right away, "Janja?" they said in unison as he quickly darted behind Tau's back. What is wrong? The two thought in complete sync as they looked at the frightened hyena. "What happened brother?" Tau asked.

Janja looked over at his brother with a terrified look, it made Tau feel worried for him as he hardly ever recalled seeing him this scared. There had been things in the past to scare him, but nothing that made him hide behind Tau. He managed to speak in a quiver and frightened tone, "She's back."

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