Into the Pridelands (Pt. 1)

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Tau was dragging back to his den a carcass of a zebra, pulling it through the desert of the Outlands and when making it back to hear a commotion. He questioned what was going on and looked over to see Tano and Nne both surrounding by another hyena. The female hyena that at the sight of made him feel butterflies in his chest, Jasiri.

Why is she here? Feeling happy to be seeing her again, learning against a boulder as he continued to gaze at her with a love struck smile. Admiring the hyena that was now his girlfriend, taking a moment before returning his focus to what he had originally went to do.

Retrieving the carcass and pulling it into the den, "I'm back!" he said getting their attention, especially so for Jasiri.

She quickly raced over towards Tau; he took notice of her heavy breathing. The female hyena not looking happy to see him as he had, she looked worried and scared. "We got a problem Tau!" she said to him in a fearful tone. Having not recall her being scared unless someone close to her was in trouble.

"What happened?" He asked her.

Jasiri's ears lowered, looking at him with an expecting to take whatever she was about to tell him calmly. Letting out a low sigh as she tries to collect herself on explaining what she was told of, "It is about Kuru." She started gaining his full attention.

After a moment of being told about Kuru being attacked by Kama and was on death's door unless they could get the cure from the Pridelanders, he grew worried and dreadful for his childhood friend's fate.

"I see-" Tau said turning his head away looking sadden, but Jasiri noticed his claws were stretched out and dug into the ground below, a low growl which indicated he was feeling furious. She couldn't figure which reason for his rage, was it Kama or having to rely on the Pridelanders? Maybe it was both.

"I know you don't like going there but I can't go by myself, hyenas aren't exactly welcomed there and may-" Jasiri explained why she needed Tau's help in this, expecting to having to make it up to him for going back there.

"I'll go!" Tau answered with no hesitation.

It surprised Jasiri, still giving her relieve. Tau being willing to overcome something he hated to save the life of his friend. "Right! Let's go!" she said rushing on ahead, to which surprised Tau not being ready for heading off right away.

He looked over at the other hyenas all looking confused as to what was going on, "I got to go, if my brother wakes up before I make it back, tell him I'll be back before tonight. And make sure to save him his portion." Tau quickly explained to them before rushing off towards Jasiri.

It didn't take long for Tau to catch up with Jasiri, keeping his pace matching to hers'. She looks over towards him with a smile, "You made it, I was starting to think you had second thought." She teased the lion.

A lone smile finding on him as he return that joke, "You can't get rid of me that easily, I'll always be by your side." Tau said getting a small blush from the hyena. It was feeling like a victory for that one, but the feeling was short when a questionable moment came, "Why do you think Kama attacked Safia's clan?"

Jasiri couldn't figure it out herself, there are a number of ways to get on her list, one thing she could think of maybe is that Safia must have offended her somehow. Though that wasn't hard to accomplish, the amount of things she hate was as immeasurable as the stars at night. The only ones who may have any idea what set her off are the culprit themself, her assaulted, and Kulua. And right now it was not time to try and uncover this mystery, for now if they don't make it back with the remedy, Kama would succeed.

She gave a clueless shake of her head letting him know she had no idea herself.

After a moment of rushing towards the border between the two lands, Jasiri quickly crossing towards Flat Ridge Rock and looking back to see Tau paused, his feet stationed in the Outlands.

He looks down at the green grass that signals the start of the Pridelands, Jasiri thinking that he was having second thoughts about entering into the Pridelands, since his last time of doing so almost ended in him dying.

"Are you alright?" She asks him, looking at his moment of questioning look, "If you still hav-" she was further going to mention before being interrupted by Tau.

"I'm alright, I was just thinking about something." He said as he walks over into the Pridelands, a bit more surprised that he moved on without looking nervous or shaken up by being in the Prideland. "We need to get going if we're going to make it to Pride Rock." He finished saying before heading off.

Jasiri returned her attention to keeping up with Tau, the two racing off towards Pride Rock in hope of getting the king to help them get the remedy. One thing for sure was that it was not going to be an easy task.

King Simba and Queen Rani were discussing the treaty between the Pridelands and the Tree of Life. Everything was going smooth, especially having someone like Surak aid Rani in how to handle these matter every step of the way allowed for the meeting to not go slow.

It was quickly interrupted when Zazu came flying in at full speed, "Trouble Sire!" he shouted only to be silenced when slamming into the stone wall.

"What seems to be the problem Zazu?" Simba asked the dazed hornbill who was regaining himself.

Returning his focus back to the matter he was bringing to the king's attention, "A group of buffalo were found murdered!" Zazu said frantically. The matter of which made them question.

"Show me." Simba spoke towards him with a seriousness in his voice, if someone is going around committing murder, he knew he would have to put a stop to it before they destroy the balance.

Zazu led Simba towards the Buffalo's grazing ground where the murder had taken place, following by are Rani and her Night Pride and Nala who was waiting by when the meeting was taking place.

Author Note:

>=) Next Chapter...The Fun! See you soon.

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