'This isn't over!' / A What-If

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Tau had managed to catch his breath, but his body was still hurting from the sudden experience of almost death, "Why won't you just die?!" Kama asked him enraged, Tau's body had felt like lead as he tried to move towards the serval.

"I- do..e wi...h is..." he struggled to speak with his heavy breathing, his eyes focused on Kama.

Though the two's condition were as clear as night and day, Kama was the one who looked scared of Tau. Each step he made closer to her, she would take a step back, "s-STAY AWAY!" she yelled at the lion, fear in her eyes.

She clenched her teeth as Tau tried to approach the serval, 'Stop, don't struggle to survive.' Kama thought as she watched Tau give his all to just move towards her. 'Why?! What happened to you Blood Puff?' her fear only grew.

Kama soon came against a wall behind her, preventing her from moving further away from the ever slowly lion. She grew anxious at this that she tried pushing her fear down, "I'll win, ... I'll kill you and next will be the Outlanders." She said to Tau, her voice was nervous.

Tau had managed to make it next to Kama in her moment, placing a paw on her shoulder, managing to regain his breathing, "that's enough kama. i forgive you." He said giving her a smile. Kama's eyes had widened from shock.

'nononononono! I was so close!' she thought, looking in his eyes to hopefully find a hint of resentment still there, anything that burned with the desire to kill. But she only looked at the eyes that felt sadness for her.

Her head dropped, gripping the ground with hatred. 'Why won't you hate me? Kill me, Kill Me, KILL ME!' she thought enraged at Tau. Letting the moment take before slamming her head under his chin to send him falling backwards to the ground. 'Oof!' Tau relieved a bit of air as he hit.

Kama looked down on Tau who was on the ground, a look of disgust and disappointment at the lion, "I'll make you hate me, even if I have to take the very things you love! Remember this, this isn't over!" Kama said as she rushes off away.

Tau could not move; his body had finally given up on trying to push and just want to sleep. He watched as the figured of Kama grew smaller as she got further away. "I won." He said as he started to close his eyes.

Author Note: Welp, that is it for that chapter~ Here is the little bonus I promised a while back, a 'What-if' for a previous chapter. (Refer to the Chapter, 'Another Visit (Pt.1)')

Tau loomed over the female hyena Jasiri; she had been in surprise at the sudden strength that Tau had shown. A shy blush grew across her as she looked at his hazel brown eyes, Tau felt drawn towards the violet purple eyes of Jasiri's.

They sparkled like a clear gem, her fur matching beautifully with her eyes. "Jasiri, I-" Tau said feeling a need to say something that weighed on his chest. Jasiri stopped him as she placed a paw on his muzzle, almost as if she knew what he had wanted to say.

The paw that laid against his muzzle felt warm and soft, 'I never knew she could be this soft.' He thought as he embraced the feel of it.

Could this be really happening? He thought this question as he closes his eyes and start pushing towards her, Jasiri lowered her paw to allow the lion to come closer. She started to close her eyes as well as she moved along towards him.

Tau could feel his heart pounding as he would feel the two's nose moving closer. The two had bopped against one another, the moment he had waited was finally happening.

The two spent a moment before Jasiri moved away and started to lick the lion's cheek, Tau quickly jumped back by this as he looked down on the hyena who gave a flirty smile at him. He lowered himself against her body as the two were embracing one another.

Jasiri raised her head over towards the lion's right ear and gave it a playful tug, "Jasiri, that tickles!" Tau said laughing at her playfulness. "Hey, no fair!" he continued to try and complain. He felt like he was in paradise at this moment.

"Having fun Blood Puff?" a voice spoke next to his ear, looking back where Jasiri was, was Kama with a sinister smirk. "AH!" Tau shouted as he shot up waking up in a cave.

Three small kits ran away from the sudden shock of the lion, had felt like a cold chill had ran down the lion's spine at what had just happened. He looked around the cave to see if he could recall where he was, but it was not Jasiri's den, Janja's den, and not Kulua's den.

"Where am I?" Tau asked looking around, the place felt familiar for some reason, but he could not figure out until a voice spoke out to him. "You're in a safe place Tau." Tau's eyes widen in surprise at who was sitting at the other side of the den with a calming smile for the lion.

"Neema!" Tau said, a female leopard. Three kits came rushing over to hide behind her, "How did I get here?" Tau asked.

Real Author Note:

I know this chapter is short, though last chapter was long. This was the conclusion to the 'Kama's Attack' moment. The next will be the 'Mending Hearts' and I'm sure you will like what it will be about. I will post that chapter Monday.

This chapter is a little choppy since the first half was originally planned to be a part of the last chapter but due to my exhaustion and having to wake up early. I had to make do with cutting it out and place in the following chapter with the other half which wasn't even originally planned in the story.

(It was added as a joke mostly-) The meeting with Neema was planned after the supposed 'fight' with Kama if I could even call it that, but it was not time for that yet. Next time she appears in the story, I'm sure you all will come to hate her more for what she is about to do. Can't say anything else.

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