Out from the Outlands / This is Goodbye...?

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Hey Everyone, wanted to say glad to be back from Vacation.. Don't know if I could call that a vacation when having to go up and down stairs like 30x's a day for 4 days straight. I wanted to get a lot done while on vacation but the internet there was awful that I couldn't stream with my editor without it shutting off that we just gave up on it.

So now that I am at home again with great internet (at least where I can chat with DC again while watching youtube videos) and rested from a set time that I was not used too I can get working on making stories again!

Guess I should get started with the story now, enjoy!

Tau and the group were venturing through the ravine after that "little" argument with a jackal named Reirei, "Who was that there?" Fuli starting a conversation again with Tau who glances over at her. "Her name is Reirei, she's the leader of the jackals of these parts of the Outlands. And someone you do not want to let your guard down around." Tau answered.

Further ahead of the ravine, the group excluding Tau is unaware of a group of jackals waiting in a small cavern in the walls waiting for their moment to strike their unsuspecting prey. "I'll take the plumpy big one!" one of the jackals said in a Southern accent which two of the others looked over at dissatisfied with that suggestion.

Fuli was wondering what the discussion between him and that jackal was about having some questions, "What's with this having to bring Pridelanders back?" she asked which Tau had hoped she and the others would not have remembered the discussion he had with Reirei letting out a sigh, "It is my task to make sure Pridelanders stay in the Pridelands. And with you guys coming to the Outlands whenever you want isn't doing me any favors." He said his concerns.

The three looks over at one another realizing that they were just making more work for him by coming here, "What about your family? How many lions live here in the Outlands? I've never heard there were any." Beshte asked Tau who paused pondering if he had ever seen any, "I think I'm the only lion in the Outlands." Tau said unfazed at the mention of what he said which surprised the others, "But what about your grandfather?" Fuli asked.

Tau looks over at them confused, "But I never said he was a lion." Tilting his head which the others now wondering more, "So if your grandfather isn't a lion, what is he?" Beshte and Fuli asked; Tau was about to answer, "He's a hy-" but stopped when remembering who or rather what he was talking to. 'Pridelanders' who have a prejudice for hyenas.

Taking a deep breath to reclaim his emotions and turning back on track back to the Pridelands, "I think that's enough chit chatting, we should resume to get you back home." Tau said. They question in their head what Tau was about to say and why he stopped, "Why the secrecy?" Fuli questioned to herself.

A voice calls out from above, "Guys! I believe I can see Flat Ridge Rock!" looking up to see Ono flying down next to the group who looks excited to hearing this news, "Where?" Bunga asked looking around but can only see rock walls everywhere. "It's beyond this ravine, we should be back in the Pridelands before dinner." Ono reported.

Fuli looks at Tau ecstatic to being close to home again, to which that mood fade when she noticed an emptiness in his eyes turning away from the group to resume walking, "We had better pick up the pace, the faster we get through here, the quicker you can get out of my home." He said, his voice crackling slightly.

They move ever closer to the cavern in the wall, Tau remained ever quiet more than usual which gave the group an eerie feeling of him, "Did something happen?" Ono asked the group who were just as lost as him. "Hey Ta-" Fuli started when suddenly jackals came popping out in front of them.

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