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- Back in the Outlands –

Hatari was enjoying a small breakfast of some gazelle meat, she eat further from the rest of the pack enjoying the quiet meal. She watched enjoyingly as the younger ones were tussling with a bone like a game of tug of war.

She found it hard not to let out a small chuckle as she saw the youngest one, Dogo was his name; was sent flying backwards when his sister let lose of the bone. While he was on the ground, she made a dart for the bone on the ground and escaped with it victoriously. Well, someone's a clever jackal.

She returned to her meal, before a conversation caught her attention between two of the older siblings of the pack. 'Have you heard? Apparently Safia's clan was attacked last night.'

'Safia? That is Kuru's sister~' Hatari raised an ear at the conversation but pretended to be more focus on her breakfast as to not break their moment and make them think she was eavesdropping. Their words were not pleasant to the jackal, mentioning how there were four hyenas from the den who made their way to Jasiri's clan.

This stirred some suspicion to the other jackal on why they would go to her clan of anything else, it also made Hatari wonder as well; she could only think of two hyenas in Safia's clan who would ever bothered setting a paw into her home, one more than the other.

And it was with that, that she started to feel a dread come towards her. She lost any appetite she may have had at the thought of what could happen to Kuru. Looking around to see that others were busy either eating or chatting up a storm; Hatari made her escape from the pack without making a sound.

'I have to see it for myself! Kuru, please be alright!' she thought to herself as she started racing towards Jasiri's clan.

Fear dreaded her mind as she thought of what might have become of her hyena friend, Kuru didn't deserve whatever fate Kama may had left him in. Her mind could not help but remember a time when she had met him, a moment she both loved and hated as it was the day she gained a friend but lost something dear to her.

- Nine Months Ago –

In a further reach of the Outlands, far from any border into the other lands that surrounded the forsaken land was the worst of the entire place. Water was as scarce as the green itself; food was even worse.

Any creature that could survive the place would be something of a miracle itself. And it was a place homed to two female jackals; a mother and her daughter.

The two laid in the den which was just a hole in a mountain side to avoid the raying sun. In the morning it would normally be hot that it would send any animal to dying of thirst, but today was the hottest it had ever been.

"Mother, I'm thirsty." The younger jackal spoke up in distain towards her exhausted mother. She was a pup with a shriveled up stomach that you could count the numbers of bones she had; her fur was covered in sand with some patches roughly scraped off.

The mother only could look at the young jackal with a remorseful look, having nothing to offer her young one. She wrapped a paw around her to pull the young jackal into a motherly embrace, "I'm sorry. Mother wishes she has something for you." She said with a dry voice.

The young jackal looked up at her mother with a fearful dread in her stomach, seeing her look sad was hard on her as well, "Sorry~" the young jackal said burying her head into her mother's chest. Unable to shed even a tear, she waited for the night so she could start her scavenge of the place.

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