I Protect the Outlands / A Visitor from the Pridelands (pt.1)

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After the fight with the Outsider Lions, the Pridelanders had managed to chase Zira and her followers back to their home. They've started their search to find where Sarabi had escaped with Kion, and it didn't take long to find her, but she was no longer with them but rather had went to be with Mufasa again.

But they've failed to find the young prince Kion, they've searched high and low to find where he may had gone; and with no news, the royal family feared the worst for what may have happened to their son. When nothing was found, they had come to believe their son was with his grandparents.

11 Months has passed since then.

The sun had started rising over the Outlands, bringing with it the heat like it always had that many may complain. Walking across the desert ground, a golden lion cub with red mane was carrying in his mouth a turtle shell filled with water, across his left eye lid is a scar. He arrived at a den where a bulky hyena was standing at the entrance, "Hey Tau!" the hyena said to the lion with a greet.

The Lion set the turtle shell down and came facing the hyena, "Morning Chungu, is brother still sleeping?" he asked the hyena to which he confirmed, "Yep!" with a goofy grin. An evil smirk soon appeared on the lion, he started to pick the shell back up and made his way inside.

There was a silent moment before a sound of water being splashed, followed with a scream, "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS, TAU!" the Lion quickly ran out laughing, following behind was another hyena who was drenching with water from the face, "Morning Boss!" Chungu greeted the soaking hyena.

The soaked hyena whacked Chungu in the sideline, to which he came toppling down on the ground, "You were supposed to warn me if Tau was going to prank me!" the hyena complained to Chungu who had a worried smile, "I'd forgot!" he said which the hyena grunted ever wonder why he even depended on his help.

Tau was coming back to the hyena, "It's your fault for oversleeping again Janja." He said to the hyena who gave the lion a grunt. Tau's smirk he had was slowly becoming a laughter, "Come on brother, it is funny! Though if you want to miss Breakfast, I could have left you sleeping." The Lion said which the two hyenas were excited to hear.

"I love Breakfast!" Chungu said which Janja had to agree, hearing this, three other hyenas had come up ready to eat. Tau chuckled at their excitement, he went to pull out a dead gazelle, with the clan starting to surround their soon to be meal. Tau went towards the two legs in the back and tugged them off to put towards the side away from the rest.

"Thanks Tau!" Janja said to him before digging into their meal, Tau stayed on the side watching the others while keeping the parts he's taken safe in case Cheezi were to try and snag them again. The five had finished eating, to which Tau pushed the leftover into a small hole and returned to the pieces of meat and picked them up.

He had headed off into a different part of the Outlands, to where he came to a clearing spot surrounded by cliffs, there is only one entrance and exit, there a lone hole exist where Tau had thrown the two pieces of meat towards before heading off, "Good luck." He whispers without looking back.

Now having made his way towards a watering hole where little water remains, the only time the outlands were to get drinkable water is during the raining moments which are scarce. He after looked towards the Pridelands which serves as a neighbor to the Outlands. Remembering the stories his mother had told him of where other Lions are living, and their hatred for hyenas.

Remembering what happened in the Outlands, he felt a hatred for those Pridelands and their prejudice against them.

The Outlands is a barren wasteland where resource is all but depleted and it had become a kill or be killed place, but Tau had worked hard to maintain peace in the Outlands for those who respect the Circle of Life as Grandfather had done in the past. Other Outlanders had known Tau as the Protector of the Outlands and is revered as it's leader.

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