⌠Inspiration | Where we Start⌡

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Hey Everyone, here with a new story for everyone to read. The Outlander Siblings was something I had sitting on the back burner for some time but with an alternate version from the one you are about to be reading.

In the original idea I had was for Kion to be raised by Jasiri and her clan and for Janja and his clan to still be an evil group that if Kion failed to provide for him, Janja would unleash his teeth on the unsuspecting animals of the Pridelands.

But that was seeming more and more troubling and hard to exactly care for, so I figured I would put it on the back until I found me an inspiration for the idea and lo and behold, something I found to inspire me!

A story written by LionGuardFan213 had inspired a change to the original idea, it was like something hit me and so I've written this. If you would like to, check out his story 'LionGuard: Enemies Become Friends'

I enjoy the idea fellow writer, though I was a little sad it wasn't a Kion x Jasiri of a story but I'll let that slide especially with the Trio and how you made them.


I had wanted to use the name Kion but after writing the story, I had realized that it would not have worked when I made it.

So I figured I would use a different name for Kion when he becomes a member of the Hyena Family, Tau so whenever I use that name it is Kion. He is brother with Janja and their mother is Shenzi (1 of the 3 main Hyenas from Scar's Reign)

*Tau is Swahili's name for 'Lion' so I figured for in the story a last minute name for her to give the cub would be what he is. And so that is his name!

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