{10K View_Answer your Questions}

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Hey Everyone, FireKilledMe here with good and bad news. Good news is it's time to answer all of your questions! Bad news is that due to some snag with a few problems, ...My editor kept losing power in the middle of our conversations due to weather, we are delaying at least till tomorrow.

I can't even post the bonus 'What-if' scenario for something I had thought of doing until I finish the 5 parts. So, sorry for that delay.

First, I will answer questions you all sent into me first! Let's start with the first person who sent in their question.

@Raptor16m asked, "How and when (if you remember) did you discover Wattpad and after how much time, did you decide, to write your own stories?"

Well, I joined Wattpad on September 9th, 2018. But I had discovered it in the earlier of June (I had recently moved to my current home.) when searching for HTTYD's Hiccup Run Away fanfics. While using Google, I wound up clicking on Wattpad and just explored it, (I only created an account at first because of the constant annoying pop-up of their 'Join us'. Only way to get rid of that was to either reload and hope it didn't show again or joined. After a few months, I joined just to get rid of that.)

I had been interested in writing stories since I was 10, though I had stopped when I was 11, restarted when I was 12, stopped when I was 14, restarted when I was 16, stopped when I was 18, returned when I started my first Lion Guard Fanfiction.

I had posted and handed out stories of my own through those ages, but all of those works had now disappeared or left on my shelves to collect dust. (I actually still have some of them.) There is a reason for those start and stop moments that made me feel like writing was my calling for at least a great hobby that I may decide to explain some time later.

@Racer_101_452 asked, "what is your favourite game?"

I am a fan of Undertale, I currently wear pins of the two Mettaton and Asriel (As the Hyper God of Death) on my work vest. My workplace has no problem with me wearing them as long as it's not offensive to the customers or advertise products.

Other then that, I like Minecraft, Harvest Moon, Super Smash Bro, and Pokemon (Red, Green, and Sapphire were the only ones I've played that I liked. I had not played all versions and a lot of the later were a pain to work with.)

@ArtimisWarrior asked, "what inspired you to write and what is your favorite book/series?"

I was originally inspired by the book Rascals by Sterling North, I had read that book inside and out multiple times when I was only 10 years old.

My favorite book/series would be the Adventures of GameKnight999 by Mark Cheverton (The series that got me into Fanfictions.)

@nasch30 asked, "-I love this story, but I wonder if you will continue The Lion Guard : The Great Evil because I love this story too.

-How do you deal with quarantine (don't respond if you find it too personal, and sorry in this case)"

I have plans to return that story again, but right now it was put on hiatus because I had started feeling like I don't know where I am going with that story. I was happy when I first created the idea, but after my editor joined and helped me correct a few things... We were starting to see there was no set line to follow.

We are currently discussing how to repair it and plan to scrap and restart a few things to get it on somewhere. It is planned to be done after I make my recovery from surgery.

As for the quarantine, truthfully...Besides the mask I have to wear during work, not much of my life has changed. I've never been an outdoors type of person, as long as I have electricity and internet, I more or less am all set.

Now granted I am disappointed that my trips to the bowling ally or movies with my family had been put on hold with them closed, but I still see them from time, and we do stuff like play games whenever we get together. (Beating my mother and Grandmother in Mario Karts on the Switch was hilarious, especially since that was my first time holding a switch. I even beat my aunt who owned that switch we played on a couple of times. Granted she was a worthy opponent and ally.)

@FBI_Iran asked, "what country do you live in?"

United States of America.

Welp, I guess that is all the questions you had for me. Now it's time to ask the casts the questions you've got for them!

@nasch30 asked, "For Tau :

-What do you think your life would have been if you had lived in the Pridelands ?

For Jasiri :

-How did you meet Tau ?"

Tau: What would my life have been if I were a Pridelander? That's kind of hard to answer, for one thing. I don't know must about the Pridelands, I heard animals live in harmony with one another but what else? I don't know what they do for fun, do they fight? Hide n' seek? Can't really say I would be happier since I'm already happy.

Jasiri: How did I meet Tau? *Jasiri laughed* I could never forget that day, I was looking for something to do when I heard someone calling for help. I found a certain male lion got his fur caught in the thorn bushes. I helped him get out of there and from there we became friends.

@Ulgoku990 asked, "question for Tau\Kion why does Kion/Tau hate pridelanders"

Tau: *Groan* That name again. Mostly because I haven't had the best first impression with them, everyone would say how Pridelanders looked down on Outlanders. I one time thought that if I showed them that we are not all bad, that maybe they would see us in a better light. But after what happened, I was almost killed by a Pridelander when I tried helping them, and seeing my brother looked so scared was just too much for me.

@FBI_Iran asked, "Q&A question for Tau, do you plan on having cubs in the future?"

Tau: *blushes* Well, I uh, do want to have some of my own. I just don't know how she feels about me. If she even likes me, I- I CAN'T ANSWER THIS!

@DeadlyCodes asked, "⌠Tau⌡ Do you like being submissive or aggressive with Jasiri?"

Tau: *Beet Red* ...Why? I don't want to answer this!

*Author joined in to answer this, Tau enjoys being submissive to Jasiri. But only to her.*

That was everything you've all sent in! I appreciate every one of your support, and I hope to have those next 2 chapters and that bonus out to you really soon. Again, I am sorry for that and I can't give the bonus right now because it will only make sense after the other 2 chapters.

I will now need to get things planned for the 15K View Milestone, but in the meantime... Stay safe out there during the long lasting Covid-19!

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