-Pt. 6- The Search for Kama

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"Back off!" Fuli was now standing between Kama and Rani.

A menacing smile slowly grew on the serval as she remembers the cheetah from her times when she fell into the Outlands. "Fuli if I'm not mistaken." Kama said with a small scoff at her next unwanted victim.

It was feeling like these animals were just wanting to throw themselves head first at the chance at death, though she isn't complaining, she had been wanting to die as well. Though her ideal of how she wants to die would be grand, a battle between two equal warriors fighting to the death.

Their ideal of death felt more like a walk to the slaughter, quick and boring. Were these Pridelanders any creative or were they just as stagger like the Outlanders?

She was snapped out of her thought when Tau spoke up, which she was eager to hear what the outlander lion had to say to her, "What are you doing here in the Pridelands, Kama?" his muzzle scrunched up to show his sharp teeth.

Kama gave a smile of her own that bared a sharp tooth on the side of her muzzle, "Why would you care what I do to these Pridelanders? They're no more than a stain to you. I could be asking the same of you, what could you have to gain from these fools?"

Her eyes dart around at everyone present, as if trying to decipher what could had drawn him here, I doubt the Pridelanders asked him to come and stop me if they didn't know about me being here and if they knew about me, they would not had been careless.

A realization came dawning to her what could it be, a sly grin creeping that showed the rest of her teeth, "You're here for Kuru, aren't you?"

Tau gave her the answer she had been looking for when he gave a snarl at the mention of that hyena's name. "Of course, that wimp sure did some damage-" she rubbed a paw against her bitten ear before returning her attention back to the group, "now he is probably wishing he were dead at this moment!" her voice was full of venom and laughter at the idea of his suffering.

Their conversation was interrupted by a roar, everyone had turned to see Nala had finally arrived, "...mom..." Tau whispered the word quietly that he was sure was unheard by everyone even to Jasiri who was standing next to him.

"GREAT!" Kama spoke with sarcasm, "Anyone else wanting to show up or can we finally get on with this ripping each other's heads off?"

It was becoming a one against six, scratch that, four and a half. Nirmala was down for the count and Rani was in no shape to be fighting after what Kama had done to her, shame. She wasn't much of a fighter it would seem but living a life of luxury and not chancing death at every corner would do that.

Nala looked over to Nirmala and noticed something was wrong, what had helped starting to draw everyone's attention was a harsh cough. Tau and Jasiri were the first to suspect what might had happened, "Don't tell me, she-" Tau asked, more so as a questionable possibility with Jasiri.

"She did." Kama answered with a smile to the lion, "She had a taste." She had tried to hold back a chuckle only for it to escape.

'A taste'? Others around question what she had meant by that, but when she was coughing up blood, it was hard to keep on track with whatever they were talking about.

"Jasiri!" Tau said to her, before anything more could be said, Jasiri nodded and raced over towards Nirmala. Kama took notice of what they were obviously about to do and tried blocking the way.

As Jasiri approached closer, Kama was ready to make a swipe only to find her claw touching air as she darted around at the last second, 'Someone's been practicing.' She admired the hyena's reflex.

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