Another Visit (Pt.1)

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Kiara was forced to the ground by the female hyena, struggling to try and escape from her grasp, "I would not come any closer if you care for her." She said to Nala with a threatening voice. Kiara looked up to the hyena seeing her fangs, she turned her attention to her with menacing eyes.

She gave a sinister grin as her jaws unhinged wide as drool starts dripping down over the lioness cub, "Time to eat!" the hyena said as she lowers her jaw down on the cub.

The lioness cub quickly gasp awake from a nightmare, breathing heavily with her eyes shocked wide in fear. She looked around to see that she was in the den surrounded by her sleeping parents, her body was shaking as she scrunched her legs closer to her body and wrapping herself in her tail. Remembering the hyena that had her life in her paw.

After a moment of silent, she started to calm down from the nightmare, 'Some fresh air should do some good.' She thought to herself as she quietly made her way towards the entrance of the den. Coming out to a nightly sky before the sun had risen, moving towards the edge of Pride Rock that had a view of the entire Pridelands and further beyond.

She looked towards where the Outlands were, a place she felt a bit of comfort before when she remembered a special lion cub she had met long before, but now she can only remember the face of that hyena.

But while also remembering the hyena, she was also able to remember the lion that had stepped in during the fight, 'Tau.' That was what she called him; it was also the name that Bunga had told her mother of the lion who lived in the Outlands.

Remembering the conversation that Tau had with the hyena, "How does it feel being back here in the Pride Lands?", "If that is your wish Tau, we'll go back." It left her wondering what was being mention there. But what made her more curious about this lion was what her mother called him, 'Kion'.

Kion was the name of her younger brother, who had been killed by Zira and her pride a year ago. Or at least that was what they had thought, could he had survived? And if he had, were they allies? Tau didn't sound to be allies with that hyena, but if not, why did she give up like he told her?

Questions rang in the lioness' head trying to make sense of everything that had happen, she had hoped to hear from her parents what happened when they visited the Outlands to meet with Tau, but they wouldn't tell her what happened.

'What is happening in the Outlands?' Kiara thought to herself.

[Morning in the Outlands]

Tau had finished spending the moment with his brother and the pack eating the Oryx that he had brought for them, "I should get going now!" he said cheerfully as he grabbed the two legs started heading off.

Throwing the oryx legs in the open cleaning and made his leave, he started to make his way towards Jasiri's territory. 'I hope Jasiri isn't mad at me.' He thought to himself before the place he was heading too was in sight.

He came in to seeing Jasiri gnawing on a bone, pretty sure it was the meal that Madoa went and caught when he ran into her in the Hunting Grounds.

Jasiri took notice of the lion who entered their den, a bright smile welcoming him as he approached, "What brings you here Tau?" Jasiri asked, "Came to make sure you're not causing troubles." Tau taunts.

"Oh?" Jasiri said giving a sneer as she quickly tackled him to the ground, "And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?" she said with a smirk. "Do we have to do this in the morning?" Tau asked rolling his eyes at this.

A playful glean in the hyena's eyes, taking note that the two were alone, she went and pinned him without realizing. "Try and hold it in." was the last thing she said that confused the lion before she started nuzzling against his ticklish spots around the neck and he was weak to holding back the laughter.

The sound of the lion's laughter was mixed with the laughter of the hyena, and though it was torture for Tau, it was also music to him that the two were harmonizing. It was about a minute before she finally stopped and let the cub regain his breathing.

"Alright, you win." Tau said and with victor in the hyena, she removed herself from the lion. But what was a surprise was when she had finished lightening her grasp, he quickly flipped it around and knocking her to the ground.

It was strange for Tau, for as long as he had known Jasiri, he had never succeeded in pinning her or besting her at nearly anything. But at this moment, he started to feel a pull that was telling him to embrace her. Seeing her violet eyes looking up at him, her mane messed up as it press against the ground, and her shocked expression of unsuspecting to be pinned.

He had started to let the pull start to drag him as he slowly approaches Jasiri, closing his eyes. Jasiri followed suit and closed her eyes as she approaches to try and meet him halfway.

"Jasiri, we're back!" A voice called out, Madoa came in and was surprised to see Tau was also visiting, but what was more shocking to her was how she found them. Keeping a distance apart from one another with a suspicious look of guilt and embarrassment.

"Did I interrupt something?" Madoa asked curiously and the two denied in a weird way, "Well, would you look at the time. I should-uh- get going and make sure- do the thing!" Tau jumbled in trying to say something to escape.

Making his quick escape from Madoa and Jasiri with his chest pounding hard, he was afraid that Madoa could hear, 'Why did I do that? What if Jasiri didn't want that?! I'm so stupid!' Tau beat himself up. Since he first closed his eyes, he failed to see how Jasiri reacted and did not realize her feelings.

Jasiri watched as Tau quickly left, her eyes widen in shock at this. "Did anything happen?" Madoa asked her. Jasiri dropped her ears and looked away in depress, "no, nothing happened."

Tau had left Jasiri's den in a hurry, struggling to keep focus. He could remember the scene before him as clear as day, her breathing, her scent, he didn't want to forget the feeling of being with her, but he wondered. 'What was she feeling?'

His attention soon came back when he heard the sound of a cough, "Huh?" he said looking at the river that he wound up at. "Is someone there?" He asked looking around.

Looking around, he saw an animal hanging barely on the shores of the Outlands as the water tried to rush her away. "Hold on!" he shouted as he quickly ran to her, snagging her by the collar and pulling out of the water and into the Outlands.

It was a lioness with peach fur, she seemed to be around the same age as him. 'Is she a Pridelander?' Tau thought as he looked at the unconscious lioness before him.

Author Note:

Well, ... ... ...

I don't have much I can say, things were starting to get heated for Tau and Jasiri and Madoa had to come and ruin it for the two. Don't you just hate those awkward moments? Maybe next time Tau.

I'm pretty sure Jasiri knows now Tau's feelings for her, or maybe she always knew? Well, maybe I should make a 'what-if' on if Madoa didn't show up at the right moment. That could be a bonus I could make this Friday.

See you all in the next Chapter Monday, and I guess I should also say that it was hard keeping this still safe for younger audience reading but if I make the 'what-if' I can't promise I can keep it safe for them.

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