Girl Talk -Pt.1-

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Watching from the top of a cliff down at the lone lioness who looked nervously around, "Kiara! Zuri!" she called out, but there was no answer, "Where are you?" but again, no one answered. 'Are there others here in the Outlands besides her?' the mysterious figure thought to themselves while watching the lioness trespass.

A rock came tumbling down the side of the cliff next to the lioness, freaking her out for a moment at the sudden sound, "Who's there?!" she asked looking around for anyone who was responsible for that.

Slowly backing away from where the sound had came from, not paying attention to what could be waiting behind her until she bumped into something. "AH!" she freaked out quickly turning around to see it was just a boulder.

Tiifu let out a small chuckle at letting a rock scare her, it was probably nothing anyways. 'Look at yourself Tiifu, getting scared over a rock.' She said to herself. This helped her calm down.

"Did you seriously hear something over here?" A scratchy sounded voice spoke from a distance away. The sounds of footstep slowly approaching the lioness as she felt frozen stiff in spot, 'What do I do?!' she tried to think of a solution to what could be coming.

The sound of low growl and hissing approaches the lioness, "This way!" a voice whispered to her. She looked over to where the voice came from to see a figure hiding in the shadows. She didn't know who that was but the way the other one sounded slowly approaching seemed to be a lot worse than whoever this was.

Tiifu quickly followed the shadow through a cracked hole in the wall where the two hid, the lioness noticed two fully grown male cheetahs with scars across their bodies, scrawny, and one of them had a eye shut tight with a deep gouging claw mark across it.

The one with the claw mark sniffed the area, "I was sure I heard something screaming." He said. The other one spoke with a much higher pitch then the other, "Then why didn't I hear it!" the other complained.

This caused the two to get in an argument with one another, "Don't go questioning my superiority! He put me in charge of you!" the one with the clawed eye said trying to loom over the other. This irked the other cheetah, "You want to try and say that again!" he let out a growl, it would seem like the two would enter a fight to the death until a crow appeared, "Break it up you two! The boss wants this area swept for any new recruitments."

The two cheetahs gave a grunt to this crow's interference with their fight, but still having to follow the bird's word and broke up their fight. "There's nothing here for us! Let's try searching for someplace that doesn't have, 'screaming' nothingness!" the cheetah said to mock the other.

The three soon left the area, and the two hiding waiting a moment before they were sure that those three were gone, Tiifu didn't have any clue who they were, but just by their attitude alone, they wouldn't have given her a warm welcome.

"Thanks for saving me." Tiifu said, appreciating her savoir. Tiifu was the first to leave the hole and watched as the other she followed in came out was a female grayish purple fur hyena with purple eyes. "It was nothing." She said with a smile.

"You're a hyena!" Tiifu said with a surprised at this, the hyena rolled her eye at this, "You guess it, I'm a hyena." She said with a slight chuckle in her voice, Tiifu was a bit nervous and confused, hyenas were spoken in the Pridelands being poacher who killed anything, but this hyena was also the one who just saved her from those two cheetahs.

"Why did you save me?" she asked the hyena wanting to know the reason. The hyena sat down in front of Tiifu to show she means no harm, "It's something we do, help Outsiders who wondered in here to getting back to where they belong." The hyena said.

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