New Employee - Male! Reader (AU)

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Reader POV


    "Stupid...... stupid work." I huff. Lazily resting my head against my palm, leaning my arm on the messy desk.

     "Levi is going to flip......"

     Suddenly the door opens, "Y/N, I got more wo-" He stops as he takes in the state of my office. Oh no......

     He lets out a disappointed sigh, "I know." I chuckle.

     "Get it sorted, now. When you're finished, come to my office. I got an assignment for you." He closes the door, not giving me a chance to respond.

     "Assignment...... well that's interesting." I yawn and stand up. I begin cleaning the state of my office. It was like Hange's, in fact you wouldn't notice who's office this was, mine or Hange's, that's quite embarrassing actually...... being compared to that mad scientist.

     And while I clean my office, let's give the reader a little background of my life......

     I'm 24 years old, it's quite nice. Being young and adventurous, typical for the age. But I hate that all of my friends are way older than me. Levi, my boss is 32. Hange is 29, how she's managed to survive this long surprises me. Erwin is 35, all the rest of my co workers, Petra, Eld, the whole lot are like 27 to 28. I'm the youngest in the company. The people who are closest to my age are Isabel, Furlan and Eren. Who are all 26.

     Although, being the youngest comes with its perks. I'm naturally more rebellious than the rest, and with that I'm slightly more likely to get away with rash actions more. Like pranking Levi by hiding his cleaning supplies. He still doesn't know it's me. But being young, I also have that courage and bravery to risk my life hiding his supplies.

     My best friends are Armin and Sasha. I'm good friends with Jean, Marco, Connie, Historia, Reiner, Annie. Most people. But the only person in the company that I'm not very familiar with is pretty much Eren. We've talked before, I guess you could say we're friends. But we've never hung out before. Not like with everyone else. We only really talk to each other during work. It's not like we don't like each other, Eren is great and I enjoy being around him. But our interests are very different.

     I finish cleaning my office, it was a lazy effort but honest work. I exit and head towards Levi's office.

     On the way, I pass Eren's office and harmlessly look through the glass as I pass. I notice Eren hugging a girl, a ravenette, black hair up to her neck, lean and around the same height as Eren. I only catch a glimpse before I pass his office, "Hmm, I never knew Eren had a girlfriend." I shrug.

     I reach Levi's office and knock, he was sat at his desk, his head resting on his palm, he was looking down, he seemed stressed, slumped over on the desk, "No more knock knock jokes Four Eyes, get back to work." A frustrated Levi sighs from the inside.

     "Sir, you wanted to see me?" I slightly open the door so he can hear.

     His head looks up, "Oh, come in." He sits up straight in his chair.

     I enter and sit down on a chair in front of his desk, "As you know, you're the lead product designer, and you're also my personal secretary, correct?" He asks.

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