First Impressions - (Canon)

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Reader POV


     The first day of Cadet training...... Having the Commander, Keith Sadies scream at us and tell us we're worthless, to having the rest of the day off and getting to know each other. Nothing too interesting, it is the first day after all.

     Entering the canteen, I grab my dinner and try to find a seat. Luckily I notice my friends, Marco and Jean on a table alone. I begin to walk over to them.

     I knew Marco because I use to live in the same village as him, he's been my best friend and I've known him all my life. But after Wall Maria fell, my family decided to move to Trost for better security and safety. I couldn't help but question the logic behind the decision, but that only earned me a slap on the face and a lecturing.

     Anyway that's how I met Jean. He lived next door and we became good friends. I introduced Jean and Marco to each other and it seems like they're getting on pretty well thankfully.

     "Hey Y/N." Marco greets me with a smile.

     "Hey, how you doing?" Jean smiles and asks as I sit beside Marco.

     "Hey guys, I'm fine thanks." I smile at the pairing. They look pretty cute together...... hehe......

"Hey! You're from Shiganshina? Aren't you?" I hear behind me. I turn around to see Connie, the room went silent as he pointed towards a table.

Looking towards the table, I see Armin, along with a boy and girl. The boy had black hair, green eyes. The girl had raven hair, past her shoulders. She looked like one of those oriental people who were supposed to be extinct. I guess they're still around. Apparently people used to kidnap them and that's why they went extinct.

Everyone then scatters to their table, surrounding them. Many questions are asked, leaving the boy overwhelmed and in the verge of tears.

"Hey, cut it out. I don't think he's comfortable talking about it." Marco says to everyone.

"Heh, the Titans are no big deal......" The boy starts, most stare in surprise at his newfound confidence. He then starts to go on about how he'll vow to kill every Titans and take back what the Titans have taken from us. Leaving everyone starstruck.

"I'll make sure to kill every Titan that crosses my path!" He says in a cynical voice.

"Heh, get a load of this loudmouth. You'll run like a pussy with your tail between your legs when you see one." Jean scoffs.

"Oh yeah? You want to go to the MP's don't you Jean? Hide behind the Walls, if anything you're more of a pussy than me horseface!" The boy yells and stands up.

"What did you call me?!" Jean becomes infuriated and stands up. They both begin to walk towards each other.

"I called you a horseface!" The boys yells in Jeans face.

Before matters could get worse I stand up, I rush over and hold Jean back. But unfortunately, the boy goes for a swing at Jean. I take the hit to the face and I stumble back,

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