Number - (AU)

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Reader POV


     "Good morning class! Today I have something special to share with you all, we have a new transfer from Sina High, please introduce yourself!" Our crazy class tutor, Hange Zoë points towards a student standing next to her.

     He was tall, looming over Hange's smaller stature, he had an undercut which was light and ashy in colour with tinges of copper. His face resembled that of a horse. But for some reason most of the girls were eyeing him with hearts piercing through their chests, I didn't get why. But I suddenly felt a tang in my chest.

     I quickly look towards the ravenette near the front, eyeing her with intent to figure out where her gaze was drawn to, thankfully it wasn't the copperette, but instead gazing out the window. I get jealous easily......

     "Hi, my name is Jean Kirschtein." He waves his hand to the listening class. I return my gaze to him, to see him looking around the students sat in the classroom, probably trying to get familiar with his new classmates. His gaze lands upon Mikasa and his eyes glue to her face. I glare at the unsuspecting copperette.

"Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself Jean?" Hange enquires. His gaze snaps as he turns back to the class.

"Oh, I like cooking, and I enjoy my sports too, I like football, and I also like music, I can play the guitar." He says almost confidently, with a small grin.

"Wow! You're gonna have to play us a song!" Hange clasps her hand together in excitement. Leading to the copperhead turning pink and scratching the back of his neck.

"Y- Yeah, sure." He answers awkwardly, his confidence faded from a few moments ago.

"Mikasa! You're obedient, can you please take our new student around the school for a brief tour?" Hange calls out to her. She averts her gaze from the window, and nods before standing from her seat and meeting Jean at the door, as they both exit I glare at the copperette, impaling knives through the back of his skull. Stupid horse......

Registration class soon finished, as we were allowed to move into the upcoming day. During first class, Mikasa came back, along with Jean. Mikasa sat in her usual seat, next to me, meanwhile Jean was placed near the front.

Throughout the class, I caught the copperette sneaking glances at Mikasa, a pang of jealousy sprouted inside me, I glared at him whenever he wasn't looking. What is that baka doing?!

"What's wrong Y/N?" Mikasa asks from my right, I turn to face her, removing my glare and replacing it with a smile.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I lie.

"I'm not interested in him. He looks like a horse." Mikasa leans over and says quietly so only I can hear.

A silly grin appears on my face after those words, a small laugh escapes my mouth and my jealousy is relieved, "That's good."

Class was soon over, and second lesson started, I still caught Jean sneaking glances at Mikasa and it still pissed me off, but Mikasa was clearly amused, smiling at me as I glare at the copperette.

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