Cheating...... - (AU)

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Seductive content! I don't really know another tag to call it lol

Slight Annie x Reader

Slight Mikasa x Eren

I know this is a Mikasa oneshot book, and it is.

I felt awful writing this, it's just so ew!



     Y/N dragged their friend Annie away upstairs to 'go to the bathroom' as what they told Mikasa.

     Mikasa eyed their partner as they dragged Annie upstairs, hawking them, Y/N had a look in their eyes, one that was hungry, and not for food.

     Mikasa watches as the two leave the first floor. She sighs, a hot feeling sparking within her, she wanted to lust upon her partner, Y/N. But they'd just left, she'd take her somewhere private when they would come back anyway. She was hungry, for Y/N.

     "Mikasa." She feels a sudden tap on her shoulder. She turns around, and is faced with Eren, his taller stature slightly looming over her, "Where's Y/N?" He asks, looking around. She could smell his musky scent, his slicked back pony tail bouncing as he looks around the party for Y/N.

     "They went to the bathroom with Annie, why?" She raises a brow, tilting her head up to meet his.

     "Annie?" His brow furrows.

     Mikasa gives a curt nod, "Worried about your girlfriend?"

     "No, of course not. But come with me, there's something I want to show you." Eren grabs Mikasa's hand, holding a firm grip as he began to take Mikasa away from the party, and also upstairs.

     "Where are we going Eren?"

     "Somewhere quieter. The noise does my head in." Eren chuckles, he drags Mikasa upstairs of the house.

     Upstairs were a lot of rooms, a couple were locked. But two weren't.

     On one the door was slightly shifted open, Eren walks over "Let's try this one." He pushes it but it retracts with heavy force as the door is slammed shut in front of Eren, it's locked and suddenly sounds of moaning and pleasure come from inside.

......A minute earlier......

     Y/N drags Annie upstairs, and they are welcomed by a number of rooms. Only two were available however, and so they decided to book one of them for some 'fun'.

     They enter, and it was a bedroom, pink walls furnished with white furniture, a nice double bed also, "It's a pretty place, perfect for a pretty girl like you." Y/N eyes Annie, a smirk on their lips, lust screaming from their eyes.

     Annie walks over to Y/N, and leans right up against them, a spark in her eyes, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," she leans her mouth against Y/N's ear, "You're mine, okay? You're not Ackermann's anymore. You belong to me." She whispers, her breath sending a shiver down Y/N's spine. Y/N felt their lust growing and growing.

     "Yes princess, I'm all yours." Y/N grins, looking into the blonde girl's eyes.

     "Let's try this one." A sudden voice comes from outside.

     Annie is quick to slam Y/N into the door as someone was about to open it, Annie locks it before grabbing Y/N by the collar and smashing her lips into theirs, after a sloppy kiss and exaggerated moans they break away, "Looks like people are about to have fun, shame this room is taken, by us." Annie smirks.

     "It is a real shame." Y/N smirks back. Before going back into a deep kiss with Annie.


     The door slams shut in front of Eren, "Looks like people are getting it going." Eren chuckles before smirking.

     Eren walks over to the last available door, the room was empty, the walls were a baby blue colour, with a big king size bed in the centre of the room. Other furnishings around.

     Eren and Mikasa walk into the room, and Eren closes the door, locking it.

     Mikasa sits on the bed, and Eren walks over to her, "So, what did you want to show me- E- Eren?!" Mikasa's face flushes as Eren pushes her down onto the bed, and grabs her wrists, holding them above her head on the bed.

     "I know Y/N isn't good enough for you Mikasa, I know you deserve better. I am that 'better'." Eren leans down and kisses Mikasa's neck.

     Mikasa stares wide eyed, "W- What?!"

     Eren pulls away from Mikasa's neck, "Y/N doesn't deserve someone as perfect as you. I'll make sure to treat you right, I'll make sure to be extra gentle with you." Eren leans back into her neck, this time biting lightly and sucking on her bare skin, leaving a mark, claiming her as his. He smirks lightly.

     Mikasa stays silent as she stares at Eren, her face bright shades of red.

     Mikasa was aroused, she couldn't lie. She was already horny, and as dying for some action, she just wasn't expecting Eren. But would she throw away her relationship for him?

     Unbeknownst to her, Y/N already threw their faith away and was doing 'things' with Annie in the very room next door. Y/N didn't care.

     "Come here." Mikasa leans up and smashes her lips into Eren's. He grins into the kiss, before letting go of her hands and caressing her face, deepening the kiss......

     Mikasa's face creases as Y/N begins laughing next to her, "We should read more fan fictions about us! They're funny." Y/N giggles. Mikasa silently shakes her head.

     Mikasa scrolls down further, and when she comes across a certain paragraph about an 'intimate' moment, her eyes widen and she switches her phone off, "No more fan fictions, they are too weird."

     "What?! It was your idea! They're great! What about Kitkat Connoisseur's?!" Y/N protests.

     "They write like a toddler, they're shit." Mikasa narrows her eyes at Y/N.

     "Oh come on!"


They didn't actually cheat on each other, although they technically did lol.

I felt weird writing this lmao, Mikasa belongs to Y/N and Y/N only!


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