Now Or Never? - (Canon)

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Reader POV


     Skies were overcast, the ground was all muddy from previous rainfall, and it was cold, and close to dark, overall it wasn't a great day to be out, but here I am getting extra reps in before our next expedition.

     I was training my endurance, I was running suicides. I've been at it for a good half an hour now, and I have no intentions of stopping.

     This is good alone time for me. I can be alone and think to myself. I can let my mind run wild while I run with it.

     I take a short stop, I stop next to my canteen, I pick it up from the muddy floor and open it. I drink it's contents eagerly. I haven't realised how thirsty I was.

     I take my last gulp and wipe my mouth. I pant as I recover my breathing.

     "Y/N?" I hear a distance behind me.

     I turn around to face the person, I'm surprised, and a bit happy to see that it's Mikasa. She has a Scout cloak draped over her to keep warm. I notice she's holding something beneath the cloak.

     "Oh, Mikasa. What brings you out here?" I ask with a very light tint of pink grasping my cheeks. I try to take my gaze off of her, but she's too attracting. Her silky raven hair, her shiny grey eyes.

     She is just too beautiful......

     "You're out in the freezing cold running suicides with only your Scout uniform on. Aren't you freezing?" She shivers lightly.

     "You do raise a point, I am a little cold. But I'm not bothered by it much." I shrug my shoulders, I force myself to look in another direction.

     "I brought you a cloak and food, just incase you were cold and hungry." She reveals her hands, one is holding a Scout cloak, the other was holding a paper bag. I turn my head and look in surprise at the gesture. She turns her head away and looks at the ground.

     How is she accidentally being so cute?

     "Oh, uhh......" I stare at the cloak and bag, "Thank you." I walk up to her and take them. I smile as I drape the cape over myself and do the collar. I hold the bag and open it, I see a sandwich and apple. I give her a heartfelt smile. She looks back towards me and releases a small liptight smile.

     "I think it's time I call it a day too, I'm a little tired. I'm gonna go and eat this, care to join me?"

     She shrugs her shoulders, "Okay." I smile and begin walking slowly. She quickens her pace to walk beside me, "Where are we going? We're not going back towards the castle." She asks.

     "I never said I was gonna eat in the castle," I laugh, "Plus, Levi will kill me of I get a spec of crumb on the floor." Mikasa just nods.

     We arrive at a tree, a specific tree. I place one hand on a branch and notice a problem, my food was on my other hand so I couldn't climb. I quickly resort to holding the bag with my mouth so I have two hands to freely move. I begin to climb the tree. The moisture of previous rainfall didn't do much to help, if anything making it harder.

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