You Cheated! - (AU)

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"You lied to me Y/N." Mikasa glares at them, she was upset and annoyed more than anything else, but she dared show it.

     Y/N cheated, the one Mikasa loved so much. Cheated...... behind her back! How could they? She was in shock.

"Mikasa I'm sorry, please listen jus-" They speak but Mikasa is quick to cut them off.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it! You don't get to do that, it's not fair. I'm not gonna forgive you." She crosses her arms and furrows her brows, enhancing the glare given to Y/N.

     "Mikasa come on, I promise I won't do it again." They plead, dramatically clasping their hands together. Y/N bites their lip and take a step closer to Mikasa, but she shakes her head and steps back. Y/N only sighs and frowns.

     "No, you've cheated Y/N. You've been taking money from me behind my back this whole time." She retorts.

     "You're overreacting Mikasa, come on. You can't stay mad at me forever, it isn't even that big of a deal." They sigh and look away, mentally trying to find a way that Mikasa could forgive them.

     "I have the right to be mad at you, because it is a big deal. You have been stealing money from me. Is that not a big deal?" She narrows her eyes at them.

     "Not really." They shake their head and shrug. Mikasa clenches her jaw, stopping herself from retorting.

     "After all, it's Monopoly Mika."

     "I- I know that idiot!" She intensifies the glare, her cheeks flushed with rosy pink.

     "Everyone cheats in Monopoly Mikas-"

     "I just didn't think you'd commit the act!" Mikasa scoffs.

     "Why are you making it sound like I've just committed the worst of crimes?" Y/N begins to laugh.

     "Because it is a crime to cheat, and steal money." The ravenette replies, before turning around. Arms still folded, Y/N's laugh falling on deaf ears.

     "Awh the cold shoulder! Mikasa come on, it's a game," They laugh harder and walk behind the ravenette, hugging her from behind, "I'll let you win next time, okay?" They giggle and peck her cheek.

     "I'm still not forgiving you." She pouts, trying her best to hide her imminent smile. Y/N notices this.

     "I'll let you win this time if you forgive me, how about that?" They chuckle.

"I won anyway, you cheated and still lost," Mikasa smirks, Y/N's cheeks tint pink from humiliation, "But just because I'm feeling really nice, you're forgiven, this one time. Do it again and......" She turns around and pecks Y/N's lips.

"And what?" Y/N chuckles.

     "You'll see." Mikasa tilts her head innocently, definitely not thinking of a plan to murder Y/N if they cheat in a game of Monopoly again. They both laugh before cleaning up the aftermath of the game.


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