Finally...... - (Canon)

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⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

This oneshot does contain content involving suicide! I directly mention a demonstration of suicide in this oneshot so I want to just say that incase anyone is uncomfortable with the topic!

I know it's a sensitive topic to many and I want to make sure I mention this at the start, even if the content may not be too traumatic, I just want to keep those vulnerable safe and give a caution!

Another short one! Sad......

Reader POV


"Oh shit......" Were the last words I said before a Titan grabbed onto my wire, causing me to be driven down towards the ground with high speed.

I try to readjust, but while doing so I forgot to brace as I didn't know how long I had until I smashed into the ground.

I smash with a loud thump, my head whiplashing and a sharp pain jolts through my right leg.

My vision becomes nauseous and my head aches with sharp convulsions of pain. Everything was a state. The world was spinning while I laid on my back, staring blankly at the sky.

"Y/N!" I hear a voice, a familiar voice, but I couldn't put two and two together, I slightly turn my head to see a ravenette running up to me, panic and worry in her eyes.

I'm suddenly brought back to my sense upon seeing her, I gasp and sit up, Mikasa slides across the floor to me and forces me back down.

"Don't!" She shouts, a desperation in her voice.

"Don't move! This will hurt a lot, bite this quickly!" She shoves a piece of fabric in my mouth, before I could process anything I was suddenly biting the fabric with grimace as pain laced through my whole body, more so in my right leg, muffled screams escaping through the cloth.

Mikasa's face was one of grimace as she held a bloody blade, unbeknownst to me, that blade was covered in my own blood.

She then takes off her cloak, and quickly wraps it tightly around my thigh. In an instant she whistles for a horse and luckily so one arrives at command.

Mikasa grabs me and lifts me up on the horse, she gets on behind me, and grabs the reigns from behind me before beginning to ride quickly.

Just on queue the Commander of the Scouts, Erwin screams a retreat to all in earshot, many scouts quickly scramble for the nearest stead they could find and begin riding back to safety, back to the Wall. Although not at a very fast pace, all of the horses were knackered, and a Titan could stand a chance at catching up to them at this point.

My state was such a blur, a constant pain nagging at my thigh, my head felt like it was swivelling. Everything felt so obnoxious.

Through my state I managed to spot Eren running, he wasn't in Titan form, "E- Eren!" I point at the boy, Mikasa's head snaps to the direction and the horse makes a sharp turn towards him.

We close in on him and Mikasa snatches him off the ground and placed him on the horse, in her place as she moves onto the ground.

Mikasa Ackermann OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now