You Are My Sunshine - (Canon)

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"Y/N, please sing me my favourite song......" She asks, and I sing.

     "You are my sunshine......"

"Hey Mikas-" I fell over while running towards her, my face went straight into the cake she was calmly eating on the grass. I look up, and suddenly we both burst out laughing, the first time we both laughed together. I'll never forget that laugh, that sweet angelic laugh, I'll never forget that broad smile plastered on her face. Never.

"My only sunshine......"

I was face to face with death and given up all hope, in the grasp of a Titan. When suddenly their nape is sliced, and I'm in the safe arms of Mikasa, I hold onto her tight, "I'll protect you Y/N, I promise." I look at her with awe, the first time she protected me. I'll never forget her strength or determination, I'll never forget her will and desire. Never.

"You make me happy......"

I was down, having a bad day. Mikasa noticed and came over, "You look down, do you want to go for a walk?" She asks, just seeing her made me feel better, I nod and smile, and we both go on a walk into the forest together, the first time we spent time together. I'll never forget her care. I'll never forget her kindness. Never.

"When skies are grey......"

It was storming, the Scouts went out for another expedition while I was ill. I had a feeling of dread that we'd come back with a lot less. But Mikasa found me in my bed, she didn't go on the expedition because she was injured. She climbed in and wrapped her arms around me, "They'll be okay, they'll be okay." She says softly, making sure I wasn't worried. I'll never forget her concern. I'll never forget her help. Never.

"You don't know how much I love you......"

It was time, it was time I should confess my love to Mikasa. I tried finding her for a little until I eventually found her outside, sitting on a bench, I joined her, "M- Mikasa?" I ask, she looks at me, "I- I love you!" I blur out, heat rising to my cheeks like a sharp wind. My heart bursts with happiness when she smiles, and very unexpectedly kisses me on the cheek, leaving me utterly starstruck as she stands up and mumbles a goodnight with a grin before returning inside. I'll never forget her heart. I'll never forget her love. Never.

"Please, don't take my sunshine away......"

"Mikasa! Mikasa!" I scream, tears running down my cheeks as I hold the ravenette in my shaking arms, "Don't leave me! Please!" I cry, her eyes held so little life which was rapidly fading away.

     The ravenette asks me something dully, as her eyes lose life with each passing second, and hot tears running down my face.

"Y/N, please sing me my favourite song......"


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