Merry Christmas [1] - (AU)

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Slight LeviHan!

This is a two part oneshot cause together it's like 6k words long, so here you have two shorter parts to complete the oneshot. This part is the Christmas Eve part of the oneshot, and I will release the actual Christmas part on Christmas.

Reader POV


     Winter...... My favourite time of year, where we get to celebrate Christmas. Where we get presents and gifts of Santa Claus, at least that's what the little ones think.

With Christmas and winter, comes snow, and the perfect excuse to cuddle inside with those you love.

But snow, is really the real reason I love winter. Christmas too, but snow is cooler.

     It comes once a year, and it makes everything so...... pure, so clean, so peaceful.

     Droplets of snow fall upon my head as the sound of crunching fills my ears, my nose smells the scent similar to that of petrichor, a musky, fresh and pleasant scent. My eyes wander to the house at the end of the white road, a house I was all too familiar with.

The lights were on, it was pretty dark too so it was all the more easier to see their house, considering she had Christmas decorations all over her house, glowing icicles, glowing penguins and reindeers in the front, Santa and his slay on the roof. It looked brilliant.

     It was Christmas Eve, and I was going to stay over for the night with one I love. A certain ravenette, so we can celebrate Christmas together.

     I shiver from just how cold it is, I reposition my coat and lift my hood up. The breathes I release are just cloudy mist as still I feel freezing.

     Briefly I stop and hold up a bag I was holding with my right hand, looking into it I make sure everything is there before smiling and continuing onto the house.

     My phone suddenly vibrates, I take it out to see a message from Hange.

     Crazy Person : Do you have Levi's present?

     Hange had a eeny weeny miny tiny crush on a certain raven called Levi Ackermann, I knew and I got him the perfect present, which I showed Hange and she absolutely loved it. She also got him a present to confess her crush on him.

     Me : Yes, he will like it. Don't worry.

     I leave it at that and put the phone back on my pocket, Hange was a big skeptical about it all because she thought Levi would definitely be distant if he didn't feel the same, but I assured her he wouldn't.

     Walking up the icy deck I almost slip but thankfully the rail guard saved me. I wearily tread across the frozen, wooden surface before reaching the door.

     I bring my hand up and rap on the door, through the glass I can make out a figure coming closer, and soon enough the door clicks open.

Mikasa stands there, dressed in some Christmasy pyjamas, a welcoming smile plastered on her face.

     "Merry Christmas Eve~!" I sing loudly with a toothy grin.

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