Living A Lie - Warrior! Reader (Canon)

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Reader POV

I'm struggling to put words together, like I mentioned in the last oneshot, so I'm just trying to find a rhythm in writing again.

That is why this is probably cringe and bad.


"Me and Bertholdt are the Armoured and Colossal Titans." I hear behind me. My eyes widen and I turn around.

Reiner, what the fuck are you doing!

"And Y-" Reiner begins to speak my name. He looks towards me, who is in complete awe of what he is doing. He bites his tongue, "Nothing." He sighs.

Eren looks at the two in disbelief. Reiner begins to go on about how Eren should join him and Bertholdt, to find out the truth about the world.

"Eren!" I call. He looks towards me, "They're tired and they have no clue what they're on about. Ignore them, let's go." I motion for him to come to me.

Eren exchanges glances between me and the other Warriors, "A-Are you guys sure you are the Colossal and Armoured?" Eren asks with uncertainty.

Mikasa suddenly appears next to me, "I believe them. Stay back, they could transform any second." She whispers to me. I only nod slowly.

There's something I was hiding......

"Are we doing this Reiner?!" Bertholdt asks, with a spark of determination.

"We're doing this! We're ending this! Now!" Reiner takes off his sling from Christa's skirt and walks towards Eren.

Mikasa rushes over to them, and takes a slow at Reiner and Bertholdt, slicing Bertholdt's neck and making a deep cut in Reiner's arm.

Reiner and Bertholdt suddenly transform. Reiner grabbing Eren and sliding down the wall, while Bertholdt staying atop the wall, throwing a huge gust of steam at us as it sends us flying.

I recover and watch in disbelief, I knew Reiner was torn between a soldier and a Warrior. And it looks like he's finally broke. Unfortunately, I lost that battle too. When I met Mikasa, I gave up being a Warrior. I wouldn't use my Titan ability, and I would be a ordinary person.

Coming to Paradis made me realise these 'demons' weren't infact demons at all. They were the nicest people I've ever met, even more than those in Marley.

Mikasa was the one who made me realise this the most, she made me realise how much more dangerous the Walls were than Marley. But she also made me realise how beautiful the Walls can be as well. She made me realise how much better Paradis is than Marley.

I would happily live here for the rest of my life, rather than be in Marley if I'm honest.

I've watched as my Warrior friends fell, first Marcel, then Annie, and now Bertholdt and Reiner. Am I next......?

"Y/N!" I hear Mikasa behind me, I turn around to see her rushing up to me.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She was pretty close to the blast.

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