The Good Of War - (AU)

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This is an AU without Titans!

Reader POV


     "Y/N! Cover Eren! I'll get Jean!" Armin screams, without hesitation I do as I say and fly into the air, grappling my hooks into the nape of a mindless, hopeless Titan closing in on Eren's hopeless human form, releasing a battle cry as I slash through it's flesh.

Landing on the blooded, stained grass beside Eren, I hiss in anger, "What the fuck are you doing?! Transform into a Titan already! If you can't do it then don't waste our time and just tell us!"

"I- I...... How...... I just......" Eren cries, the bloodied hands he wears grain too much pain to carry on, he kneels into the ground and cries.

"All of our lives depend on the speed of your tongue Eren!" I yell.

"Don't shout at him! He's trying! Can't you see?" The ravenette girl beside him shouts at me.

"I can clearly see! But he's wasting our time! People are dying and risking their lives for this guy! How can we put faith into him if he can't even turn into a Titan!" I retort.

She stands up, and walks in front of me, I look up/down/level at her slim figure, as the both of us glare the most gruesome death upon each other.

"Say another word about him, and I will make sure you will regret it." She says calmly, though even I knew that on the inside she was boiling.

I narrow my glare on her, "Eren, teach your dumbass sister some restraint." I hiss.

Eren doesn't even pay attention, as he was still crying like a baby. Even more angered, I trot over to him and grab him by the collar, placing a blade to his neck, "This is the deal, turn into a fucking Titan right this motherfucking second! Or run away like a pussy with your tail between your legs and enjoy the fucking beating I'm gonna give your tiny pulp ass when we get back! I don't care if you're humanities saviour! Their hope! What I care about is you being fucking useful with that dumbass ability you have! So what is it Yeager?!" I scream in his face as he watches me in terror.

"I- I......" Is all the scaredy-cat can manage to say, and that royally pissed me off more than I already am.

"You useless piece of shit!" I throw him to the floor with force, "People are dying for your ass and-"

I'm suddenly tackled to the ground, and before I can tell who did it a blade is at my throat, the shaking hand traces back to the ravenettes fiery glare on me. Which held a sheer intent on wanting to kill me, however her violently shaking hand tells me a different story, she seemed almost hesitant.

"Why do you ruin everything?!" I glare at her.

"I am not letting you hurt Eren." She breaths heavily, her hand beginning to shake even more.

"He should turn into a Titan then before I beat him so hard that he'll have no choice!" I hiss.

"You won't!" She yells.

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