Headstones Can't Talk - (AU)

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Wanna know a fun fact?

It's been over a year since I've updated this book :3 Doesn't feel that long- I'm surprised. But oh well~

This is short- and not very good~ but hey ho :)


     She sighed deeply, before opening the car door. She was instantly greeted with the cold breeze, and she shivered slightly as she left the warmth of her car. She closed the door and locked it.

     Her boots crunched the thin, set snow as she left the mildly full car park. The weather was snowy and cold, and she clung to her trench coat, her fingers curled over the tops of the cuffs. She pulled her scarf up to her mouth to muster as much warmth as she could.

     She walked down the path as she passed many headstones and tombs. She hadn't came in awhile, and guilt had eaten her up, she cancelled the plans she had today just so she could make this visit. She felt that it was an obligation to visit.

     After walking through rows and aisles, she found the one she was looking for.

     The ravenette girl knelt down on the snowy dirt, and rested her hands on her lap. She began talking to the headstone.

     "It's been awhile, hasn't it?" She said, her voice was incredibly soft and quiet, "I'm sorry I haven't visited in awhile. I've been... busy... I'll try to visit more often, I promise." She sighs. Her eyes looked ahead, and tears already began to sting her eyes.

     "How are things? Has anything caused you stress?" She asks. The light wind speaks back to her as it picks up her black, velvet soft hair.

     "Th- That's... good, I'm glad." She said. She bit her lip and breathed longly through her nose.

     "Me? I- Nothing has really happened... although, I got accepted into that art university. The one you always wanted me to go to," She smiled, "I was surprised too. But it's all thanks you that I'm there now."

She takes a moment, "I wish you were here; everyone does. Things were a lot better when you were around, but we're trying our best." She tried her best to smile- but her heart couldn't take it.

     She sat there in silence; it was all she needed. All she wanted. All she wished. She looked at her lover with an aching heart- with a hole so big that nothing could possibly repair it. Although, pain wasn't the overflowing feeling; it was guilt and regret.

     She sat there for ten minutes, twenty... thirty... quickly over an hour, she lost track of time completely- too caught up in what life she had before, and conversing with an inanimate object about the person that made her life so special.

     She finally realised the time, and thought that it was time to go.

     "I'm going to go now. It... it was nice talking to you again," She smiled sadly, "I'll be back soon, Y/N. I promise."

     She began to cry, as she stood up. "I love you." She croaked.

     She silently left, and began the walk back to her car. The lampposts were on, and glossed over her stained tears.

     Shortly, she arrived back at her car. It was the only one left in the empty lot. She unlocked her car and got it. That was when the flood started.

     She rested her arms and head on the steering wheel, and started to weep loudly.

     "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... it's my fault, all my fault... I- I didn't mean to kill you..."


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