Reunion - Manga! Warrior! Reader (Canon)

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Reader POV


"Mikasa!" A voice jolts. I snap my head in the direction, but I'm quickly disappointed when I see a group of kids playing around together, happily. Mikasa...... why does that sound so familiar?

My mind has been in a constant battle lately, most things seem so familiar to me, but yet so strange. Some things sound familiar, but I can't make it out. It's like my brain is trying to tell me something, but I'm too dumb to notice.

"What's up Y/N, you're a little down today." Reiner nudges my shoulder and brings me back to reality, noise of the market suddenly rings my ears, and I notice dozens of people in front of me, most queueing up for the market to buy something.

"Nothing, Reiner......" I look down, blatantly lying though not really trying to hide anything.

"You sure you're alright, you don't seem it?" Colt shrugs. I look up to face him.

"Thanks for the concern Colt, I'm fine." I sigh.

"Let's go get some ice cream, that'll cheer you up." Pieck beams in an attempt to lighten me up.

"Yeah, sure......" I shrug, without a hint of emotion in my voice.

Pieck looks disappointed with my lack of enthusiasm or response. We all begin to walk towards a nearby ice cream shop, near the bay.

We make our way towards it, we reach the bay, there was less people than in the market fortunately, thought still quite a bit. We walk towards the shop at the end of the bay.

"You guys can wait here, I'll go get it. I know the usual." Pieck smiles as she walks ahead of us, leaving me, Colt and Reiner.

Without a word I walk away from Colt and Reiner, and towards the edge of the bay, facing towards the sea. I lean on the banister, and look out.

The sea...... I still remember the first time I saw it, it was amazing. I was still in the sea when I first saw it, on a boat.

I enjoy the nice breeze and silence to myself for a moment. But the sudden sound of a scream alarms me as I turn around.

I notice a small man in a suit grabbing the arm of a little kid. The man looked aggressive and was acting as if he was going to hurt the kid.

I rush over to them, I walk up to the man and the kid. I gently grab the kid by the shoulders and pull him back from the man, I guide him behind me.

"Tch, and what do you think you're doing? Brat." He scoffs, he sounds almost familiar. But I can't make anything of it, it confuses me.

Behind him was a group of people, they all wore suits. And they looked familiar, yet again I couldn't make out anything. This is starting to bug me.

"You were about to hurt this kid, I wasn't going to let it happen." I furrow my brows and glare at the man.

"That little shit stole our money." The man replies. My eyes widen.

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