Skydiving - (AU)

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This is short, that is because I am using this one shot for my English mock exam tomorrow lmao. It's supposed to be between 350-500 words, though without the Mikasa parts this is 513, but that's fine since it's only a tiny bit over. And it's a descriptive piece of writing about a time where we felt rewarded after doing something, though I'm a little fearful that that isn't the memo in this oneshot ha.

I've never been skydiving, but the teacher said to make it up if you can't think of anything. So I made it up lol

We can't have the oneshot story based, it has to be a description focused piece of writing about a very small period in time. And since I won't be including Mikasa in my actual mock exam tomorrow, I've tried to fit her in here, so that this is still somewhat a Mikasa x Reader oneshot ha, but this is a little more about the reader.

If there's anything you would tweak or change too, I'd like to hear it! So then it helps me lmao

This is kinda cheating I guess, and maybe half assing, and I feel somewhat shameful, but hey ho 🙃


     The wind glided past the streamlined plane, which hung high above the beautiful landscape of Switzerland, not only is the flag is a big plus, the landscape is also so lush. I and Mikasa peer out of the window, jaws dropped, like a kid looking into a sweet shop. My mind was a fog, navigating endless thoughts, trying to comprehend how big the world is, yet how small everything seemed, from so high above.

     Although, despite the joy of beauty. I felt anxious, fearful, doubtful that I could actually make the leap, my nerves were beginning to rise, and I felt every fibre in my body begin to twitch with seeping thoughts of backing out. The instructors open the jump door with a clang, when suddenly the beforehand dark, quiet plane, is now brightened and now exploding with mighty wind as it escapes inside, a loud swooshing and whooshing, rustling noise in my ears.

My equally fearful partner, Mikasa lines up in front of the jump door, with one hesitant step at a time, I joined her, sweating with nervousness, my heart was flying, with each palpitation screaming for me to stop. I stood beside Mikasa, who turned her head to face me, she had a look of fear, and it made me feel at least a little better. I nervously grab her hand, and squeeze it, sending a fidgety smile her way. And she appreciates it, as she returns it.

The instructors exchange a brief series of shouts with us, trying to be heard over the rustling wind, but none of their calls reached myself, as I looked at them as if they were mimes.

The instructors smirked at the petrified expressions we made, before suddenly, Mikasa disappeared into the wind, screaming with fear, or exhilaration as her voice became quieter and quieter. I'm suddenly tossed out of the plane as I join the adventure that my partner shares. Instantly, wind blasts past me like a plane, cooling my sweaty skin, however I was the one soaring the skies- with a fearful scream, soon toning into an exciting one. The anxiousness, fearfulness, doubtfulness, all replaced by adrenaline, joy, and confidence. The world opened up to me, and presented the most beautiful of colours and shapes- no longer looking from behind a sealed window, but instead taking it in while gliding elegantly through the university blue sky.

I was an eagle, ruling the skies, looking down on the mountains, hills and grasslands from high above, which otherwise would have dully glanced at me. They now envied me, as I had once envied them, I now felt powerful- and not powerless. I couldn't contain the wisps of joyful laughter that hung on the edge of my tongue, relief and excitement was flowing through me, bursting as it could easily be detectable in my laughter.

But, I see the world slowly become bigger and bigger, the mountains now looking down on me, once again. And I'm as I reestablish sight on my partner, who was beginning to touch down on the familiar earthly soil, that I had not so missed. I eagerly pull my parachute, it expands massively, and the air resistance catches me, as I fall to ground. And facing the tremendously relieved and joyful look of Mikasa, like an rambunctious child I whine, "Again! Again!"


I'll try to come out with something serious soon lmao, this is kinda a lazy excuse to post a oneshot......


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