Whiny Toddlers - (AU)

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Even though this is a book dedicated to Mikasa oneshots, there is probably more Eren x Historia in this oneshot than Mikasa x Reader 😅

Reader POV


     "Come on Historia! You need to go to school, you don't want to be late on the first day." I call to my younger sister.

     "I'm so sorry! I'll be there now!" I hear her shout down the stairs. I sigh in wait, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall with impatience.

     A quick few seconds later, the sounds of small feet running down the stairs catches my attention, I turn to see Historia dashing down the stairs with pace, she almost trips at the bottom step due to her rush.

     "Tch, careful Historia." I snort as she quickly puts her shoes on.

     "Sorry! I just don't want to be late you know?" She stands up and grabs her bag, putting her small arms through the straps.

     I lean off the wall and open the front door, "Ready?" I ask her.

     She nods with a tight lipped smile, a sense of eagerness behind it. I chuckle and ruffle her hair, "Come on then." I allow her to exit the house first.

     "You ruined my hair!" She pouts as she steps out the door.

     I only smile at her as she narrows her eyes and furrows her brows in a very not so much intimidating glare.

     I close the door behind us, and we begin walking to her school.

     "Are you excited for school?" I ask her.

     "Yes! I can't wait to make a bunch of friends!" The cheerful girl replies, to which I chuckle.

     A few minutes pass of small talk and silence before we arrive at Historia's school, it was small but it looked nice nonetheless.

     We walk to her school, and arrive at the entrance, "Here we are, I'll pick you up when school ends okay?" I kneel down to her height.

     "Y- Yeah." She nods nervously.

     "What's wrong?" I tilt my head.

     "I- I'm a little scared, w- what if people don't like me?" I looks down with a frown.

     "How can someone not like you? You'll make loads of friends, and I'm sure everyone will like you Historia. You were so excited a few minutes ago, get that smile back on your face." I pinch her cheek, but she doesn't seem to smile. I sigh and look around us, there were also many young people with their parents or siblings, but they all looked excited and happy, so I looked in search of someone who is also quite nervous.

     I spot a young boy, who looked about the same age as Historia, he had black hair and green eyes, and he was crying, there was a older girl kneeling down next to him, she looked about my age, her hair was jet black, and she looked oriental.

     I point at the young boy, "Look, he's scared as well, he's crying. You're not the only one who's nervous." She looks at the boy, and slowly nods.

     "How about we talk to him? Maybe you can cheer him up, and you two can be friends? That's a good start for the first day, right?" I suggest.

She exchanges glances between me and the boy, "O- Okay......" She nods. I smile and take her hand, guiding her towards the crying boy and the girl.

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