Old And New - Poem! Eren! (Canon)

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I suppose this is a bit different from a oneshot, but it's interesting I guess. I'm sorry this is kinda bad, this is like my first time writing a poem.


Love, that's all she felt.
The rustle of blood in her ear,
She couldn't stop this feeling of love,
It's all she's ever felt for him......

She sleeps, with only one dream.
A dream of a boy, destroying the world.
The echo in her mind, the sounds of screams
She awakes, only one thing on her mind......

"Eren......" The boy she cherished,
The boy who saved her when it was needed,
The boy who she loved with all her heart,
The boy who wrapped his scarf around her, 

That scarf, the only thing she has of him,
She wraps her fingers around the soft fabric.
She slowly caresses it, as she thinks of him......
She begins to cry in the dawn of night......

The boy she loved, disappeared long ago,
Without a trace, he left her.
Life as been difficult, she stays up every night.
With a hope that he would return.

But even she knew......

That day would never happen.
Because the Eren she once knew,
The Eren she once loved,
The Eren she'd do anything for......

Is only a distant memory, the old Eren.
She didn't like the new Eren,
The evil Eren, the villain.
The Eren who killed.

She hated him, she couldn't believe it.
The Eren she knew, would never do that.
The Eren she knew, cared about everyone.
The Eren she knew, fought for humanity.

However, that's the old Eren.
The Eren, she so dearly missed......

"Eren...... Please, come back......"


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