Cruel Letter - (AU)

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Really short one! But also really sad......


This has talks of dementia! If you're uncomfortable with the topic, I suggest you do not read this chapter or read with caution!


The ravenette sat next to them on the park bench, a visible pained expression on her face as she looks at the person next to her, someone she remembers so clearly......

"Are you okay?" Y/N asks, looking at the ravenette, who looked back at them with a greater pain and sadness in her eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you." She nods, but she quickly looks away as she can't contain a river of tears, she idly lets them slide down her face, beneath her chin and drip onto her hands which were rested on her lap.

She doesn't make a sound, nor any indication that she was crying, but somehow Y/N knew.

"Whatever you're going through, it'll get better soon. All things do." They smile and attempt to cheer the ravenette up.

She couldn't stand it. Hearing them talk like that made her heart ache, there was a deep hole inside her chest which felt like an empty void. She felt like she was losing part of her, and she was......

She was losing the one that meant the most to her, her Y/N. She was losing them. Even if they're sitting beside her, even if they're talking to her.

Even if she remembers them.

They don't remember her......

Y/N could automatically sense the void in Mikasa's heart, "Are they a close one?" They ask.

Her heart tears upon hearing that, more tears threaten, but she turns her head back towards Y/N, "Yes, they're really sick." She looks down, her hair covering her glossy eyes

Y/N nods in understanding, "I hope they get better soon." They smile.

"Yeah...... thank you......" Mikasa nods.

Mikasa looks up at Y/N, and they smile, Mikasa returns the smile dimly.

"I think it's time we go home, it's getting late." Mikasa stands up. Though her words left Y/N confused.

Y/N's brows furrow, and they look at Mikasa with a perplexed look. Mikasa's core hurts upon gazing upon Y/N. They really forgot everything...... She thinks silently.

She grabs Y/N's hand, and begins leading them home. Not without Y/N asking her where they're going, or what's happening. Mikasa only ignored them though, she couldn't bring herself to answer those questions.

They arrive home, and enter. "Go wait in the living room, I need to go upstairs." Mikasa tells Y/N before quickly going upstairs.

She enters her room, and it all releases, the tears she held in on the way home just roll out along her soft cheeks, her sobs quiet, not wanting to alert Y/N.

She walks over to her desk, and looks at a particular letter resting there.

She rereads it for the one hundredth time this week. She sits down and begins to cry more.

She was never like this, she was normally stoic and reserved, but now...... ever since she got the letter...... she would cry for days on end.

It pained her so much, waking up everyday to see them, spending the day with them, to reading the letter once again and crying. That's all she would do.

Her heart was an empty void, no words could describe the hurt she felt. Why was all that was flowing through her head. Why them?! Why now?! Why is this world so cruel?!

The letter on Mikasa's desk, was a letter from the hospital. It was a diagnosis.

An Alzheimer's diagnosis.


This is probably really bad and inaccurate, but it was just a sad idea I had. This was rushed too, I did this in like 30 minutes.

Updates will be slower! School is starting for me again tomorrow, so updates will be slower unfortunately!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


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