Shut Up - (AU)

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This ones kinda bad, but hey ho. Just a really silly idea I had.


Y/N was on another one of their ramblings at dinner in the school canteen. Talking about the work they were studying in class, talking pure nonsense which not many people sitting around them bothered to listen to.

     Jean just looked at Y/N as if they're mental. Connie and Sasha were too busy trying to steal each other's, and also other people's food. Armin had a book out. Eren was bored out of his mind and was forced to listen to Y/N because of how loud they were. Marco just stayed silent and let Y/N do their thing.

     Christa and Ymir were too busy talking to take notice of Y/N. Reiner and Bertholdt both looked at Y/N silently and sighed. Annie rolled her eyes, contemplating when to drop kick Y/N.

     Meanwhile, Mikasa only stared at them with blank eyes. Trying to be interested but failing miserably.

"Shut up Y/N." Annie glared at them. Y/N only daringly smiles at her before continuing with their stupid waffle.

"Please for the sake of my ears please shut up......" Eren groans as he bangs his head against the table. Y/N doesn't bother to take notice as they were too busy making hand gestures.

     "Y/N, please could you be quieter? I don't think everyone is exactly happy." Armin reasons with them. But Y/N only looks at them before carrying on talking.

     One by one the group around the table try to make Y/N shut up, even Connie and Sasha got bothered and offered Y/N food, but Y/N only gave the pair their food.

     "Y/N come on now, you're talking like a dumbass. Please be quiet." Jean complains as he puts a hand on his face miserably.

     "Hey! Don't interrupt me! So, as I was saying-" Y/N complains to Jean, but then another person is quick to interrupt Y/N.

     "That's it. I'm kicking their ass." Annie stands up from her seat, threatening Y/N, however it wouldn't work. They only just carried on talking.

     Annie sat back down with an annoyed huff, as much as she wanted to she couldn't bring herself to hurt Y/N, for...... personal reasons......

     "Threats don't even get them to shut up, what are we gonna do......" Eren sighs.

     Mikasa had a range of thoughts flowing through her head, even she was beginning to become irritated with Y/N's nonstop talking. And she accidentally spills one of her thoughts out, "If you shut up I'll kiss you."

     Her eyes widen and she turns bright red, she quickly looks away from the table and towards nothing, very luckily for her, she said it quietly, so no one heard, or so she thought.

     The next moments, silence built around the table.

     Mikasa hesitantly looks around the table, flustered and embarrassed, she finds everyone looking at Y/N with wide eyes, Mikasa looks at Y/N, only to see them staring right at her, mouth slightly agape, as if caught mid sentence.

     Y/N had heard her aloud thought.

     "Mikasa what did you do?!" Jean asks in pure relief.

     Everyone was relieved that Y/N had shut up for even a few seconds. Their expressions had relaxed thoroughly.

     "I- I don't know......" She shrugs, pulling her scarf over her face., hiding her blush. She thought Y/N was just shocked with what she said, she didn't think they'd take it seriously.

     "Thank god they finally shut up......" Eren rests his head in his hands.

     Suddenly the bell rings for fourth class, "For fucks sake!" A collective of Eren and Jean shout aloud.

     "You decide to stop talking at the end of lunch?!" Annie glares at them, annoyed as all hell.

     Y/N only shrugs, "Don't go all silent now! You've just talked your ass off all lunch and now class starts you're all quiet?!" Eren shares a glare at them.

     Y/N shrugs once again. Everyone sighs before shuffling off the table, and heading to next period.

     It was only Mikasa and Y/N left on the table, who slowly got their things ready, "I did a pretty good job of annoying them, don'tcha think? I even annoyed you." Y/N laughs.

     "You did." Mikasa nods, secretly hoping that Y/N would have forgotten about what she said. But of course......

     Mikasa begins to walk out of the canteen, but she's stopped by the grip of Y/N, she's then turned around to face them.

     "Can I have my kiss?" Y/N asks, a small smirk on their lips. Their cheeks just as red as Mikasa's. The ravenette feels her heart lift slightly, it was as if Y/N wanted the kiss, opposite to what Mikasa thought.

     "I did say if you shut up, didn't I?" Mikasa's lips tug upwards before being met with Y/N's soft and tender pair.

     They pull apart after a rather short kiss, "And if I hold your hand to class, will you go and grab coffee or something with me afterwards." Y/N grins.

     Mikasa doesn't hesitate to nod, and her slender porcelain fingers intertwine with Y/N's delicate and soft fingers, holding a firm grip onto each other.

     They begin to walk to class, hand in hand.

     Mikasa silently prayed that Y/N wouldn't talk nonstop when they would go and get coffee afterwards......

     But of course......

     They did.

     Mikasa sat across from Y/N, hot coffee in both their hands as Y/N rambled while taking small sips in between. They got stares from the other tables, and Mikasa couldn't do anything to stop them.

     "God help me......"


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