After, So Long...... - Mute! Reader (Canon)

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Reader POV


     After all my years alive, I've managed quite well. Considering I haven't spoken a word.

     Being mute is a different type of hard. When you want to express your feelings, especially to ones you love. It's really difficult to.

     Unfortunately, after all of my years alive, it's going to come to an end.

     You see...... underestimating the enemy is costly. Especially if the enemy is Bertholdt and Reiner.

     I lay on a rooftop, Bertholdt's explosion sent me flying, and straight into the now destroyed rooftop. Where I've cut my side open, blood spills in masses and guts threaten as well.

     I'm too weak to move, too weak to stand and fight. Too weak to continue living.

     It was bound to happen soon......

     Knowing the end is near, tears well in my eyes as I slowly begin to silently sob.

     Come on please! Why? Why now? Why me? Fuck!

I try to stand, but the pain is too much. I don't want to accept my death yet, I still have some fight left in me.

     Luckily, I remember I have a flare gun. I grab my flare gun and load it with a purple smoke shell.

     Because I was mute, I had many different shell colours to indicate when I was in trouble. The purple flare is for emergencies.

      I aim at the sky, and fire, with a single hope. That someone would find me......

     The shot goes up and disperses into purple smoke. Visible from anywhere in the torn up District.

     Only maybe a few moments later. I hear zipping nearby, and a crash landing upon the rooftop.

     "Y/N!" I hear the lone voice of one of my friends.

     Suddenly Mikasa is at my side, she notices the big gnash in my side and she gasps, "You're going to be okay." She tries to reassure. She rips her cloak off and wraps it around my wound frantically. Not without it stinging like a bitch though.

I shake my head and continue to cry. Trying to tell her that it's already decided. There's not much hope for me, even the best surgeon would have a nightmare trying to fix my wound up. As much as I want to fight, it's pointless.

She looks at me with realisation, her eyes wide and her body frozen.

"No! You will make it. I'll make sure of it." Mikasa carefully grabs me and sits me up straight.

She stares into me. Her grey pupils attached to me, her hands shaky, her breath unsteady. This Mikasa was worried, losing her cool. This Mikasa was a different one from who I normally knew.

"Come on Y/N, please stop crying." She says quietly, in a panicked, yet soothing manner. I try to calm but it isn't much of a use.

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