Catchup - Male! Reader (AU)

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Reader POV!


I enter the mall, it was a quiet day, maybe it being Wednesday helped, there was barely anyone around the mall. I walk around, looking and glancing at signs to find one in particular.

"SRM Industries" I smile to myself as I find it. A big sign above the cafe.

I owned SRM, short for Sina, Rose and Maria industries, a highly successful and famous company. They made practically everything, cars, phones, electronics, even furniture and whatnot. They also expanded into alcohol and food. They are up there for the most recognisable company in the world and their work was taking over the likes of Apple, Samsung, Tesla, the whole lot.

But there is a reason to why I decided to stumble into this familiar mall, and to take a look at my cafe. Because that cafe, was the place I started my journey, that cafe was where I first thought of SRM, that cafe was where I made SRM, that cafe was where- you probably get it now, the place was sentimental to me.

Before the place turned into a mall, the cafe used to be where my family cafe and also my home growing up. So when the mall was being built, I bought made sure the cafe remained, with a couple of aesthetic features added, so I could always have a part of my past and roots to remind me where I started my journey.

I get lost in a trance, remembering all of the memories of my childhood cafe and home. Engaged and immersed in my mind. Every joyful moment he spent.

It's when a forgotten, yet unforgettable voice drags me back to the present, "Y/N?" Her voice sounded shocked, yet still held that cold demeanour she always kept with her. My heart skips a beat after a glimmer of realisation skips through me.

I quickly turn to look towards her. My eyes widen when I notice her, in her beauty. Her silky raven hair, her porcelain skin, her deep grey orbs, staring back at mine. My heart flutters just by looking at her.

It was her......

"Mikasa!" I express in shock. Her lips tug upwards slightly in a smile.

"Congratulations!" She says almost cheerfully. I quickly gain a look of confusion, "For all of this! Your career and so, you made it." She smiles genuinely.

My eyes widen, "O- Oh, uh right. Thank you." My cheeks tint pink slightly and and I give a small smile.

He then notices the pram in front of her, and...... "Eren?" I say wide eyed.

"Hey Y/N! It's been awhile." He laughs.

Holy shit......

Eren stood beside Mikasa, he was holding a baby in his arms, a sleeping baby girl.

"You two had a child?!" I express with a lot of surprise and shock, aren't they lawfully related?

Their eyes both widen and they blush, "No! No, my husband is out of town. So Eren decided to take me and Lilac shopping. We just arrived when we saw it." Mikasa explains.

Lilac? That's her name...... cute name. Wait Mikasa is married?!

For some reason I feel my heart sink a bit. But I cursed myself to let it.

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