2021 I Beg...... - (AU)

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Reader POV


Walking up to the house, it was crazy. Filled with people, all drinking and having a fun time, dancing and some snogging, music was blaring and I could hear it hundreds of metres away, the booms made my heart jump with the beat, lights of all sorts were everywhere and changing colours and patterns. It was a massive party for new year.

It was held at Hange's house since she was the only one crazy enough to agree to get their house trashed. Her house was also one of the biggest out of our friends, it wasn't anything special, Hange wasn't really all that rich. She just lived on the outskirts of the city so she had more land to buy a big house.

     Everyone was ecstatic, lockdown was recently lifted and COVID-19 has been eradicated. At last, everything has returned to normal. Just in time for New Years.

Walking into the front garden, I'm immediately greeted by Eren and Armin. They both seemed sober, but considering the party only started thirty minutes ago I assumed their state would change throughout the night.

"Hey Y/N!" The boys shout in unison, I could just about hear them over the music despite them shouting. I smile at them.

"Hey guys. This is a pretty crazy party." I shout back. They both hear, just and nod with a chuckle.

"Hange really put a lot of effort into this party huh?" Eren laughs.

"What? I can't hear you!" I shout in his face.

"I said Hange really put a lot of effort for the party!" Eren shouts back.

"What?!" I shout back.

"I said you're really smelly!" Eren shouts back over the booming music.

"Oi I heard that!" I yell back.

Eren only smirks before grabbing my arm and dragging me into the house.

Upon entering the music becomes louder, "It's like a fucking festival......" I mutter for myself.

"Let's grab a drink!" Eren shouts excitedly.

"No thanks! I want to stay sober!" I yell back.

"Awwww Y/N~ You're no *hic* fun!" The scream of the mad scientist herself can be heard as she clings onto me.

"Hange! How much have you drunk?!" I yell in her face.

"I- *hic* I'm sober! I- I'm *hic* pwomice!" She shakes me, I could smell alcohol in her breath and her cheeks were tinted pink. Not to mention she was also too close for comfort.

She suddenly pecks me on the cheek, "You *hic* to- too cute Y/N! *hic*" She giggles and nuzzles her head against my cheek.

I stand astonished, frozen, shocked. Hange just kissed me? What the fuck!

I look around her help, and to my relief there was. The ravenette glares death at the mad woman before she walks over, tearing Hange off me and picks her up with ease, "Thanks Mikasa." I say awkwardly and scratch the back of my neck.

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