Monsters That Dream - Manga! (Canon)

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Manga Chapter 138 Spoilers!

To make this gender neutral was...... a challenge to say the least......


     "When I was young, I once asked my parents how babies were made." Mikasa speaks, holding the ends of her precious red scarf.

     "I- I don't think I've ever asked mom or dad that, I'm still not sure how to either. What about you Eren?" Y/N shakes their head and asks their brother, Eren.

     "I- uh, I think I did." Eren replies. Y/N only nods.

     "Yeah, me too." Armin also replies.

     "Why are you bringing this up all of the sudden?" Eren then asks.

     "I- I'm not the child I was back then. I'm older now, I may not understand how to make a child yet, but I want to learn." Mikasa replies. She looks up at Y/N with soft eyes.

     "So, Y/N." She walks up to Y/N, and clasps both of their hands in hers. Her next words would surprise everyone.

     "One day, will you bear my child?" She asks, a look of seriousness on her face, but also a glow of hope in her eyes. The ends of her lips just tug upwards.

     Everyone in the room sweat drops, a collective of "Uhh, erghh......" Can be heard in the new awkwardly shifted atmosphere. Eren and Armin looked with creased faces, while Y/N's cheeks were beet red.

     "I- If- If you want me to, then-" Y/N is suddenly interrupted by Armin.



     "That was scary!" Y/N rests their arm against the doorframe, and resting their forehead against their arm. They release a needed breath.

     "There are some things are are simply impossible." Armin replies.

"......" Y/N's mind turns blank, "You know...... I- I wouldn't mind it-"

"Hey, get ahold of yourself Y/N!" Eren shakes their shoulders, bringing their attention.

"O- Oh, yeah...... sorry......" They look down and frown.


Y/N walks out into the middle of night, arms behind their head and palms resting on the back of their head, relaxed, "Tomorrow will be a nice day for training. It's seems like it'll be nice weather."

"Y/N." They suddenly hear the call of Mikasa, Y/N turns around with a hum. They see Mikasa a length behind them.

"About what I said earlier......" She averts her gaze towards the grassy floor and away from Y/N.

"Earlier?" Y/N speaks with a hint of confusion.

"I really do think, that I want to have a child with you Y/N."

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