Chocolate Breadsticks - (Canon)

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"Who would've thought grocery shopping was a thing in the Survey Corps." Eren sighs as he grabs a newly made loaf of bread.

"They make bread at home don't they?" Armin questions as Eren places the loaf in his basket.

"I'm hungry." He shrugs in response. Earning a small smile and shake of the head from Armin.

Y/N stop as a certain item catches their attention as they lag behind the group. They pick a pack of Pocky off a shelf, staring at it before beginning to catch up with the others.

"Wait there's Pocky here?!" Sasha exclaims as she eyes the small box held in Y/N's hands.

"Yeah, it's down there." Y/N points towards the shelf which was stocked with Pocky. Sasha's eyes dance with a starry glint as she joyful skips over to the shelf.

Before quite literally scooping the whole shelf into her basket with one fell movement. Her basket was quickly overflowed and boxes of Pocky fell on the floor.

"Pick them up Sasha. Jesus......" Jean mumbles with irritance.

She pouts a little about having to leave them behind and how they would be better in her stomach. But she eventually gave in and placed the fallen Pocky boxes back on the shelf. Before skipping back over with her basket full to the brim with Pocky.

"Levi's gonna be pissed when he finds out we spent about half of our money on Pocky." Eren sighs.

"Like I care about that grumpy old runt, the germaphobic twat." Y/N scoffs. Earning a small laugh from everyone.

"Let's go pay. We have pretty much everything." Armin leads the way to the till, their total bill came to around £2 which was absolutely dreadful.

Note my timeline for most Canon oneshots is like the early 1900's and that's a rough guess, I know it ain't that in actual Canon but hey though. That's around £45, 59USD or €48 in today's money.

Half of the money was spent on Pocky alone...... that's right. And over a hundred packets of Pocky were bought, not only by Sasha, but Connie came with another full basket full at the end.

The group exited town for the day and rode back home, their horse satchels filled with Pocky and even some of the horses having bags attached to their saddles for the extra groceries.

As they rode home, Jean suddenly perked to Y/N, "Y/N, do you know the Pocky challenge?" He asks out of curiosity.

     "The Pocky challenge? That sounds dumb." Y/N furrows their brows and looks at the packet of Pocky sticking out of their jacket pocket.

     "You've never heard of it?!" Eren and Jean both exclaim, Y/N only shakes their head in confusion.

     "Who do you like Y/N?!" Sasha yells in excitement. Y/N's eyes widen in surprise and also much confusion.

     "Pft, I'm not telling you."

     "Aww come on!"

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