Oh no... anyway - (Canon)

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"A- Annie... I- I was wondering if... you'd like to go out sometime?" They twiddled their thumbs, and looked away to the left, hiding their blemished cheeks.


"No, not like that... that makes me look really shy..."

"Hey Annie! I was thinking... d- do you want to hang out any time soon?"


"No, not like that... h- how can I tell her?"

They sighed. Y/N looked into the mirror, and their reflection. Bags under the stooped eyes. Tired face. They didn't look like someone who was trying to gather the courage to ask their crush out.

"I'll just-"

"Hey." I heard.

They turned on a swivel, "O- Oh, hey Mikasa." They nervously smiled. She peaked her head through the door.

"Why are you talking to yourself?"

"Oh- I- I was? I don't remember talking to myself?" Y/N scratched their head and laughed nervously.

"Just ask her out already," She rolled her eyes, "It's obvious to everyone that you're always ogling at her."

"What?!" Y/N yelped, "N- N- No it's not like that! It's not it's not it's not!"

     "You always talk about her- obsessing about her. You haven't even known her a year. I didn't know you could fall for someone so hard." She teased.

     "M- Mikasa! It's not... whatever, go away." Y/N pouted.

Mikasa smiled with amusement, "Okay. Talk to you later Y/N."

Mikasa scoffed to herself as she walked away from the bathroom, "Annie, Annie, Annie... what's so special about her? I don't get it. A big nose is all I see."

Y/N continued trying to figure out a good way to ask Annie to a date. It took them awhile- maybe over an hour. But they got there in the end and now they finally felt ready.

Dinner was going to be served very soon, so Y/N had to be quick- because they weren't going to ask her in a crowded room.

     Y/N looked around for Annie quickly before dinner was served. They found the blue eyed Goddess exiting her dorm cabin.

     "H- Hey Annie!"

     The girl turned her head and saw Y/N walking towards her, "Y/N."

     Hearing her beautiful voice call their name made Y/N's heart flutter.

     "A- Are you... are you free after dinner?" Y/N's voice was clustered with bouts of stutters and extreme nerves. They were almost shaking.

     "Depends. Why?" She as always was monotone.

     "Well... well I- I was wondering if- if you'd l- l- like to ha- hang out af- after dinner."

     Mikasa sat down with her food. She waited for everyone else to enter the canteen. Eren and Armin came and sat by her.
     It was obvious to her that there was something wrong. Y/N wasn't sat beside her. In fact Y/N wasn't in the canteen at all.
     Mikasa immediately knew what was wrong, before standing up, "I knew it..." She sighed, "There's something I need to check. I'll be back." She said to Eren and Armin.
     "Huh, Mikasa-?" She was already out of earshot.
     The ravenette exited the canteen and made her way towards a certain dorm. She heard muffled sounds inside, she frowned as she opened the door. And those sounds became soft cries.
     In the dim light she saw them curled into a ball on their bed, she felt bad for them. But she was also relieved.
"She said no, didn't she?" Mikasa said.
Their breath hitched, and they looked up, "Y- Yeah... she said she- she wasn't interested in- in those things..." They sniffled.
Mikasa sat beside them on the bed, "Oh no... anyway, come here." Her sarcasm was rare. She wrapped an arm around their shoulder and pulled them into her.
Y/N accepted it and leaned into her slightly.
     But even if Y/N was in her arm, she couldn't help but feel bitter about Annie- especially about Y/N crying over her, "You should stop being a baby. She isn't worth it." Mikasa deadpanned. Y/N stayed silent, but stiffened just slightly.
     She sighed, "Sorry. I guess you ogling all over Annie all the time made me kinda jealous."
     "S- Shut up with the ogling..." Y/N pouted, "D- Did you say j- jealous?"
     "Erm- N- No, n- not jealous... just- just- shut up." Mikasa turned red.
"Would you prefer if it was you instead?"
Mikasa almost choked, and she became redder, "I'm not answering that..."
The two fell into a comfortable silence. Time passed. And the two would shift into a more comfortable position every few minutes. It somehow ended up with them laying down on Y/N's bed, cuddling and covers thrown over the two of them.
     Y/N's head was nuzzled comfortably into Mikasa's neck, and the pair were holding hands. And Mikasa gently stroked Y/N's velvet-like hair.
     Mikasa didn't know how they ended up like this. Her heart was throbbing. But she wasn't complaining. She was happy- it was all she wanted.
     Y/N felt this was a weird thing to do with a best friend... but they weren't complaining much either- they embraced her gentle, warm touch.
"I've... been meaning to say..." Mikasa began. Nerves quickly took over her.
She was expecting a small hum, or 'yes' or anything, but she was met with silence. And that certainly didn't help her nerves.
She already said she had something to say... so she had to commit. She swallowed the lump in the her throat and continued, "I... I love you, you mean the world to me... an- and- I wanted to let you know that... I would treat you so much better than she can... if you ever gave me the chance."
     She tumbled over her own words. She became hot. Her face was burning red. Her heart was palpitating out of her chest. She had never felt this love or infatuation before- but she meant every word she said.
     She waited patiently for Y/N's reply. But they were still as a statue. Mikasa was itching to know.
     That electric, happy feeling in her heart slowly dampened as the seconds passed. She gulped as her heart began to sober from its high.
     Her heart began to feel heavy. She sucked in a harsh breath and bit her lip, before longly exhaling, "Y- Y/N?"

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